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My feet dragged me outside the stadium and I ignored Blaze's voice shouting my name.

I kept walked dazedly away from the stadium until a hand gripped my arm and brought me back to reality. My eyes came back to focus and I could hear everything clearly again like rising to the surface of water after having been plunged in it.

The hand turned me around and Blaze was looking at me, his eyes full of a mixture of sadness and regret.

" What do you want?" That came out harsher than I had meant it to be but I jerked my arm free from his grip anyway.
A hurt look flashed across his face but disappeared almost instantly and he became composed and calm again.
" I...I know what you must think of me now that you found out I'm his son but please just hear me out." He said desperately.

I said nothing so he took it as a sign to go on talking.
" When my father sent me out to bring you to him, he knew you'd fall for me. He thought my looks would make the mission easier. But I didn't know I'd end up falling for you. Ever since I met you, I couldn't stand one moment without you. I knew I had to bring you to my father but I just couldn't take it. I thought I could live a fairytale with you even if it would last for a couple of days but I guess I was wrong."

I hadn't noticed tears were streaming down my cheeks until I opened my mouth to speak and felt the salty tears in mouth.
" What made you think I fell for you?" I asked.
He only stared at me.
" I - I thought-"
" You tricked me." I said it like it was a known fact.
He only looked down at his shoes.
" Look at me!" I shouted and he lifted his head up. " You should have told me from the beginning that he was your father, that you knew all about this whole deal, but you didn't! You just went along with the flow as if no body would get hurt in the end! At least if you told me, I wouldn't think of you as such a fraud right now." My voice got louder with every word.

" I know what I did was wrong and I know I should've stood up for my father but I couldn't do it and I know it isn't fair to you but please just give me a chance to prove that-" he broke off.
I looked at him expectantly.
" That what?"
He took in a deep breath.
" That I love you."
The words struck me like a slap in the face.
" How? How could you love me and I barely even know you?"
" But I know you. You think all that's happened was like a spontaneous weekend? No, Alice. My dad has been planning for this for years. Calculating and studying and preparing but you defeated him in a split second just because you had faith in the world, in people. My father and I have been watching people, measuring their every move and he had his eyes on you since the very beginning. You know why? Because you aren't just some ordinary girl. You have powers. Powers beyond imagination.
"No one could've destroyed that gem other than you, Alice. Both of our fathers were rats in an experiment. The people in charge had them sent to some sort of radioactive planet that affected their bodies. The powers could only be transferred to one child: the one with the suitable genes and characteristics and apparently you were that child. I, on the other hand, didn't have the required characteristics so, I'm powerless. My father thought I was useless and when he gave me this mission I thought I could prove myself to him. I had watched you with my father and I knew there was something about you that just made me like you. I weighed my odds, you possibly liking me versus me making my dad proud. I thought I could work out both options but you can see how that turned out. You might not believe half of what I said but the only thing you should know isn't a lie is that I love you and nothing could ever change that."

That was a lot to take in.

I took a deep breath.

" So you never wanted to do that mission? capturing me I mean."
He shook his head.
I looked at his eyes. One was an icy blue and the other was a deep purple from when he helped me destroy the gem.
He wouldn't have done that if he didn't love me. That ought to mean something.
He just wanted to make his father proud just like any child would.

I know what I have to say.

" Promise you'll never trick me again, or anyone for that matter." And I raised my pinky finger for him.
He stared at me in awe for a second then cupped my face in his hands and his lips crashed onto mine. He tasted like vanilla and kissing him was like white hot glowing stars crashing into earth and exploding. Also fireworks and explosions and brilliant blazing lights.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him deepening the kiss and I wove my fingers through his dishevelled black hair.

"I promise" he said against my lips and I could hear the smile in his voice.
This story us coming to an end you guys! I just want you to know that I really had fun writing this story and I hope you liked what I had to offer.
<3 M

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