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After I finished my coffee mug I placed it on the table, sat back in my chair and closed my eyes.
What comes next?
Will I ever talk to my family again?
Can I really save the world?
Blaze's voice brought me back to reality.
" You'd better get some sleep. Tomorrow's a big day."
" What's so important about it?" I asked, my eyes still closed.
" You'll see." He said simply and I opened one eye to see him take both of our mugs and place them in the sink. 
"Now let me show you to your room." He said while extending a hand to me.
I took his hand and got up.
" Wow, you really make me feel like a princess" I said sarcastically.
" Of course, your highness." He said in a terrible British accent.
" Don't. Just don't"
He lead me up the staircase and onto the landing.
The hallway had four wooden doors: one at each end of the hallway and two in the middle.
He opened the door at the far end of the hallway.
A double bed was in the middle of the room with plain white sheets tidily pulled against the mattress and next to it was a lime green nightstand.
There was a window right next to the bed that reached the floor and was draped with bright lime green curtains. A matching dresser was opposite the bed. The floor had the same white parquet as the living room and a recliner was placed in the far right corner of the room with a tall reading lamp placed beside it- excellent.
A door on the left from the bed stood ajar.
I peaked inside and found that it was a white tiled bathroom with a small clear glass shower, a wash basin and a toilet bowl.
" I'm gonna save you the embarrassment and say that you like it." Said Blaze.
I shot him daggers.
" Yes, Blaze, I like it" I said through gritted teeth.
He went outside the room and closed the door behind him. I heard him shout " You can come sleep next to me if you get scared of the ghosts!"
" In your dreams!" Was my reply.
I heard him chuckle as his voice faded.
I plopped down on the recliner and took off my shoes, my jacket and my scarf.
I closed my eyes and went out like a light.

I woke up the next morning in bed covered in cozy blankets.
I don't remember getting up from the recliner....oh.
I drew back the curtains letting the sunlight pour into the room and went into the bathroom.
I washed my face and braided my hair into a messy braid.
My reflection in the mirror felt like I was looking at someone else; there were dark circles under my hazel eyes and I was slightly paler than usual.
Going downstairs in my socks, I thanked god I didn't slip and fall on my face cause Blaze was making breakfast- shirtless.
Okay stay cool.
"Morning." My voice came out raspier than I expected.
"Morning" he said while placing some buttered toast and bacon in a plate then handing them to me.
He went back and made us coffee then placed it on the kitchen table.
I took a sip of my coffee and instantly pulled away from the cup.
" Careful, it's hot" he said.
" Yeah, you could've told me that earlier" I said sarcastically.
I put the cup back down and started eating.
I felt naked under Blaze's piercing blue gaze.
It took all my will power to look up from my plate and make eye contact with him.
" What?" I asked.
" Nothing." He said shortly.
" Okay then stop staring at me. It makes me uncomfortable."
" I make you uncomfortable." He stated with a smirk.
" Who told you that?"
" It's pretty obvious."
" Pshhhhhh, yeah right." I said and looked him right in the face.
He only smiled and then went upstairs.
" And put on a shirt like a normal person!" I shouted after him.
He only laughed and I heard the door shut behind him.
I continued eating my breakfast.
When I looked out the window, the sky was a clear blue and there wasn't a cloud in sight.
I wonder if my brothers are still at that cinema.
A noise like a click cut my trail of thought. I looked at the front door and the doorknob was twisting.
A bubble of panic started rising in my chest. I wanted to scream for blaze but I couldn't speak. I wanted to hide but I couldn't move.
I took a deep breathe and screamed Blaze's name with all the power I could muster.
I heard a shuffle upstairs and then something heavy being dragged across the floor.
As the door opened, three women with glassy white eyes and skin as pale as snow were entering the house. Their hair was matted against their faces and covered in dirt and sweat.
Their faces became panicked and I heard a whoosh as something big and dark and wooden slid down the stairs and collided with the three women's bodies sending them off their feet and out of the house.
Blaze locked the door in a matter of seconds and was next to me.
" You okay?"
I swallowed hard.
" Yeah"
" We'd better start moving, get ready."
I strode to my room and found a pair of black jeans and a black and white stripped sweater lying on my bed.
I put them on and then I pulled on my shoes and scarf.
I slung my backpack against one shoulder and went out of the room.
When I reached the living room, Blaze was sitting on one of the couches with a dagger in his hands.
Okay if this isn't weird I don't know what is.
" Umm what do you have this dagger for?"
" It was my dad's. It's all he left me before he died." He said.
As I sat on the couch, I could see the dagger more closely.
It had a black hilt and a golden 'H' was carved in the middle of the hilt. The blade was a shiny silver metal which ended in a sharp pointed tip and a round sapphire winked at me like a blue flame from the blade's middle. Along the blade were words in a language I didn't know.
" What does that mean?" I said while pointing at the words.
He read " Voluntatem tuam est potentiam tuam. It means: Your will is your power."
He kept examining the dagger and stopped when it reflected my face.
I looked away.
" Ready?" He asked.
" Yeah" I said. " I'm ready."

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