Chapter 12: Burger lips taste good

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What was this feeling? Joe's lips pressed against my own. It felt nice, but confusing. It sent shocks down my body, but gave me a fluttering feeling at the same time. I didn't know what to make of it. All I knew was that Joe tasted like burgers and my face looked like the tomato in the burger. Not the tomato in the Joe burger! Eww I'm not inside Joe's mouth! But the burger did taste nice, I was kind of enjoying it until he used his tongue to lick my lips.

I quickly pulled away from Joe and stood up from the bench.


"Uhh.. I-I'm not sure.."


With that I left a slightly confused Joe sitting on the park bench and headed away. In whatever direction my feet would take me. I headed north towards the fountain in the center of the park. There I looked down into the water of the fountain, and I saw my face. I was still blushing madly. Since when do I kiss random people! I only met the guy a week ago! But to be fair he's not just random, he's zoe's brother! OH MY GOD! I just kissed Zoe's brother! What have I done?

Unconsciously I touched my lips with my finger, remembering the kiss. It felt so right at the time, but now the aftermath was coming crashing down on me, like a ton of bricks. I decided I needed to leave the park and leave all the memories of today behind here too. Just as I turned around to leave I saw Joe.

He stood there sheepishly, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. Then he started to talk.

"{your name}, listen, I just kind of got carried away back there. I shouldn't have pushed you like that, I'm so sorry."

While I was happy he had felt remorse, I had to make things clear.

"Listen Joe, I appreciate it you apologizing, but it got me thinking. I don't really think we should be kissing like that, you're Zoe's brother."

He took no time to hesitate and instantly replied, "No {your name}! We can't just pretend that never happened."

He stepped closer towards me.

"You can't tell me that, that wasn't a good kiss!"

He took another step forward, while I took another step back.

"Let's give it another go?"

He stepped over the remaining distance between us, and now just inches from my face, he went in for the kiss. He tried, but I wasn't having it, I took another step back and gracefully landed in the fountain. This is what I would like to say happened.

In reality I made a fool of myself. I had stepped back and tripped over the ledge of the fountain and accidently fallen in. My clothes were drenched and so was I, from head to toe.

Joe stood there shocked. But that quickly dispersed, as he broke out into fits of laughter.



I CAN'T WATCH!! *covers eyes*

But it was still fun to write!

Who knew Joe Sugg tasted of burger? 

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