Chapter 30: Looks like Joe is a reoccurring character

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"I know you don't really like me right now, but do you have to make that face?"

That face? He must be talking about the 'my-boyfriend-dated-my-best-friend-face'. Not everything is about you Joe, just 25% of my thoughts. Okay fine, like 30%, Zoe gets 30%, Caspar gets 30% and Alfie gets 10%, sorry I don't know you that well.

"Don't really like you right now? That's an understatement. Why are you even here Joe?"

"I came to win you back, part 2!"

"When was part 1?"

"When I came to see you the other day, and you rushed into my arms. Remember?"

"Joe, don't dramatize it! That was not winning me back. Neither is this, we've been 10 seconds and you've already insulted my face." I stated, arms crossed. I was not impressed.

"I was just saying, you don't look very happy today."

"Do you even care?"

"Yes I do. I care about you, and if you're unhappy, it's my job to cheer you up! Let's go!"

Like before, Joe took me by the arm and started to drag me away.

No way did I want to spend time alone with Joe. That could only result in disaster. I hadn't sorted my feelings yet, I'd only categorised them as 'pointless' and 'not needed'. I had yet to seal the box. They could easily escape and spiral out of control. So under no circumstances could be alone with Joe. I refuse.

"Can I politely decline?"


"Well then...I have plans already!"

"Oh really with who? Caspar?" He spit out Caspar's name with a hint of resent.

"No I..." Not wanting to make the situation worse, I just told the truth. "...I don't actually have plans."

"Well that's not true, because you have plans with me!"

"Are you sure I can't decline?"

"Nope. At least let me do this for you. I know I didn't treat you right. I can prove I've changed."


He seemed to genuine I was shocked to begin with. Then I decided to resign to my fate and let it happen.

I prepared myself mentally. As I did so, a figure approached me from behind. An hand reached out and took my other unoccupied arm in a tight grasp.

"Don't leave. We need to talk about this."

Ha! Confrontation.No. No. In that moment I took control of my own fate, instead of being dragged around all the time. I grabbed Joe's hand tightly and power walked away with him into the sunset.    


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