Chapter 13

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Joe and Levi worked well into the night laying out the ropes and securing the load. Sarah had already fallen asleep next to Grace by the time the pair finished.

Levi stoked the fire as Joe settled his aching body by the flickering warmth.

"Where you from, Levi?"

Levi looked at his hands. "Ma and Pa were from England. Came across before I was born. They leased a place in Ohio. It wasn't long before the rent went up so high they couldn't afford it anymore. Pa spent most all our money on these rigs. Some Mormon got run off his property so he was selling everything real cheap. Don't know why Pa didn't just buy the property. At any rate, he decided to come out this way."

Mormons getting run off their property? That didn't happen anymore. Joe listened as Levi continued with his tale.

"Josiah, my older brother, got trampled when another wagon in our company spooked. Took days for him to die. It was pure agony for Ma to watch. Ma had a baby not long after we left. The baby didn't live long. After she lost her oldest and youngest child, she didn't wanna live. She got washed out of the wagon on one of the river crossings." Levi shook his head. "She got pneumonia."

"So there's just the three of you left?"

"Yeah. Grace's sweetheart swore he'd come out and find us next year but we took so many detours and didn't end up where we planned." He shrugged. "Don't figure we'll ever see him."

Joe watched as the strength ebbed from the young shoulders as the weight of the situation settled squarely on them. "I'll hang out and get you all set up in a cabin."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "There's cabins around here?"

"I'd guess they're still standing. Who knows anymore."

Levi granted him an odd look. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know. Go on to bed. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow."

Levi nodded.

Joe gazed into the fire, watching the flames dance in the breeze. He pulled his blanket over his shoulders in a vain attempt to ward off the chill. Leaves fluttered to the ground all around him.

Levi's firm hand on his shoulder startled him. "Joe. I need your help."

Joe looked up, a question in his eyes.

"It's Grace. I can't keep her warm. One minute she's burning up and the next, she's freezing. Sarah's freezing too."

Joe nodded. "Let's go."

Levi looked stricken. "But... I thought we could bring her out by the fire."

Joe shook his head. "It'd be so much warmer in the wagon. At least the sides make a windbreak. If all four of us are in there, we'd all be much warmer."

Levi opened and closed his mouth several times as Joe struggled to his feet. "Keep the girls in the middle. You and I'll take the sides."

"I, uh," Levi stammered.

"She'll be in the same condition as I found her, only warmer. I promise."

Joe placed a hand on Grace's forehead then on her bare shoulder. He took off his shoes and slipped out of his tshirt before climbing between the blankets. Grace almost immediately turned toward his warmth.

"Joe," Levi's warning echoed through the darkness.

"Skin to skin is the best way to keep someone warm. Besides I promised, kid."

Sarah sighed in her sleep and cuddled closer to her brother.

"Joe?" Levi asked.


"Are you sure it's gonna work tomorrow?"

Joe sighed. "No. I've never done anything quite like this. In my mind, it should work. Reality is a different story altogether."

The boy was silent for quite some time. "Thanks for being honest."

Joe smiled in the darkness. Grace cuddled against his chest, her deep breathing tickling his throat. This is gonna be a long night.

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