Chapter 36

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Joe stumbled through the drifts as he moved the rabbit traps. His pack held almost a dozen rabbits and several trout. He glanced at the sky as snowflakes started to drift on their lazy paths from the clouds. "I'd better hurry if I'm gonna make it back to the cabin before dark."

He set the last trap and stepped out of the trees. The blast of the wind bit into his ears as the snowflakes stung his face. He shuddered. "Shouldn't have shaved."

He stomped his feet as he stepped out of the drifts and onto the paths they'd worn through the snow. He smiled as he took in the cabin until he saw barely a trickle of smoke coming from the chimney. He looked toward the barn, noting an odd horse ducking inside.

Joe loaded his gun and rested it across his arms. He fumbled with the straps holding his knife in its scabbard. He took a deep breath before opening the cabin door. "Honey, I'm home."

"Joe!" Sarah cried as strong arms wrapped around her and held her back.

Grace stood between two men, her sleeve torn from her shirt. She bit back a sob as he stepped inside. Levi knelt in front of the fireplace, a large man holding his hands behind his head.

"Mind telling me what you're doing with my wife?" He asked as he dropped his pack to the floor.

One man spit a stream of tobacco juice on the floor. "Jes' havin' a bit 'o fun, mister. They didn' say nuthin' about no husband."

"Doesn't seem like it'd make much difference to men like you," Joe spat.

The first man pulled a knife and held it to Grace's throat. "How's about you drop your gun, mister."

Joe shook his head. "Last time I did that, it went off. Grace, you okay?"

She barely managed a nod.


The boy looked up at him, terror shining through the swollen eyelids. He only swallowed.


"Joe. They're bad men." The man holding her squeezed her tighter.

Joe took his coat off and hung it on a peg. "Y'all stayin' for supper?"

The men laughed. "Supper. That's rich." He stepped around Grace and lunged for Joe's gun.

Joe pulled the trigger, dropping the man to the floor. He cranked another shell into the chamber.

"That wasn't very neighborly."

"Neither is messin' with my wife. There's no question. I will protect what's mine."

Levi groaned as he was thrown to the floor.

"That was my brother," the man hissed.

Joe didn't hesitate and fired as the man drew a knife.

The knife at Grace's throat drew blood as Joe let the man fall next to his brother. "Drop the gun, mister. We both know it won't go off now."

Joe stepped further into the room, away from the two bodies. He grimaced. "I don't much like to let it go. It was a gift."

Grace cried out as the knife bit again. Blood trickled down her neck and soaked into her shirt.

Joe nodded as he set the rifle against the wall behind him. "Okay. The gun's down. Now what?"

In a flash, the knife flew across the room, slicing through his arm. He sucked in a breath. "Shouldn't have done that."

"Says you." He threw Grace against the table and drew a pistol.

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