Chapter 16

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Joe walked between the small fires, stoking each as he went. He patted the horse's flank as he passed, thankful the animals had calmed. The wolves had finished their feast hours before. Joe had kept the fires burning as a precaution. He wasn't entirely sure the pack had left the area.

He returned to the fire and picked up the stock he was carving. A hand clamped on his shoulder and he cursed as the knife bit into his thumb.

"Sorry I scared ya," Levi muttered.

Joe popped his thumb into his mouth for several minutes before examining the cut. "What's up?"

"It's my turn for the watch. Sara is asleep and Grace is burning up. I've been using the bucket and rag but it doesn't seem to be helping."

Joe nodded and turned to the wagon.


Joe turned back, his eyebrows raised, hoping the boy wouldn't want to pick a fight. He was too tired to form a coherent rebuttal.

"Levi sighed. "I didn't mean what I said earlier."

"Yes you did. Either I'm confused or you are. And it doesn't matter right now." Joe turned his back on the young man and climbed into the wagon. He covered Sarah before turning his attention to Grace. "Let's get this fever broke, honey."

He alternated between bathing her with cold water and holding her close while she shivered. When she slept soundly, he ventured a peek at her wounds. Angry red flesh greeted him. She needs antibiotics, fast. And I'm sure we'll need to clean these better. Joe sighed, knowing there wasn't much more they could do while they were still on the mountain. Home or no, they'd be better off on the homestead no matter 'when' they were.

Joe awoke to Grace's sleeping face inches from his. A pair of blue-green eyes peered over Grace's head. He grinned slightly. "Good morning Sarah."

"Did you get the fever broke?" Her jaw moved in a vain attempt to hide her shiver.

"I think so. We'll need to get moving this morning so we can get some help though. Her wounds look infected."

Her eyes widened. "Ok. Are the wolves gone?"

"I'm pretty sure. The stock settled down before we changed watch. Is it morning already?"

Sarah giggled. "Yeah. Levi's checking the wagon. Making sure nothing's broke. He told me to wake you up, but not to disturb Grace."

Joe stretched then moved away from Grace's sleeping form. She whimpered before he reached back and covered her with the blanket.

"Mr. Joe? Are you gonna marry Grace?"

Joe shook his head. "No. She wouldn't have me."

"But you've been sleeping in the same bed."

He reached out and ruffled her hair. "I've been sleeping in the same bed as you too. Do I hafta marry you?" he said with a wink.

She blushed. "I'm to young to get married, Mr. Joe."

He chuckled. "Me too, kiddo. Me too." He pulled his shirt over his head and slipped into his boots before stepping out of the wagon.

"Good morning, Joe."

"Mornin' Levi. Anything broke? I heard something crack when we hit."

Levi shook his head. "I can't see anything. The sagebrush is broke in several places but it looks like we dodged a catastrophe with the wagon. All the spare parts were under the other wagon."

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