Chapter 34

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Joe awoke with a start, aware of someone looming in the darkness. His fingers fumbled for the piece of wood he knew had just been next to him.

"I'm just stoking the fire, Joe. Go back to sleep." Levi's gentle words comforted in the darkness.

Joe smiled in the darkness. "Okay."

"It got a bit chilly. Grace started shaking a bit."

"You sure it's cause it's cold in here?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Maybe an infection? I'm thinking I need to look at those stitches again."

"She'll never go for it. Not now that she's awake."

Grace's whimper was muffled by the blankets.

"Go see if she's awake. If she is, we'll build up the fire and see about cleaning and taking stitches out. I probably left them in too long."

Levi disappeared, then reappeared with Grace, stumbling in the darkness.

Joe threw off his blanket and built up the fire. "Light the lamp." He put a pot of water on to boil and retrieved the honey pot and the whiskey from the mantle. "Sit here, Grace." He wrapped his blanket over her shoulders. "I'm gonna need to see those stitches. Something is causing you to hurt."

She nodded and fumbled with the tie on her nightgown.

Joe stepped behind her and helped her slip her arm out of the sleeve. "This is what hurts?"

She grimaced. "We can start there."

"Bring that light closer. I'm gonna need the scissors. Maybe a sharp knife."

"The sharpest knife we have is yours," Levi said.

"It's hanging up by the door."

Levi rushed to do his bidding, pulling the knife from its scabbard.

"A piece of kindling too. She may need something to bite. Hold still honey."

She winced as he pulled the first stitch.

"Sorry. This'll take a while. Levi, pour a little whiskey into a bowl. Take a clean cloth and dab these. That way, I'm not pulling dirt through the skin."

Levi nodded.

"Where did you learn how to do this?" Grace asked.

"Necessity is the mother of invention." Like a surgeon, he sliced the stitches and tugged each out. "Dab that," he instructed as he pressed on an inflamed spot.

Grace started shaking as they continued to work.

"Wanna lie down?"

She started to shake her head but nodded instead.

"Take my bed."

Grace stumbled as she stood, her unsteady legs refusing to hold her.

Joe looped an arm around her and guided her the few feet to the blankets. She would have collapsed without Joe's help.

"Wanna get a tub ready?" He asked as he met Levi's eyes.

"Want me to wake Sarah?"

Joe grimaced as Sarah coughed. "No. I'll take care of it."

"She won't like it."

"I know. I've got a plan."

Levi raised an eyebrow as Joe went back to his task. Slice, pull. Slice, pull. Dab the next set with liquor. Wipe away blood. Slice, pull. Slice, pull. He moved to her leg and attempted to pull up her nightgown.

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