Chapter 26

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Gray clouds filled the sky, bumping into each other, rolling over one another. Joe grimaced. "Let's get this wood back to camp before that storm breaks."

Levi nodded. "I think there's only three more logs."

"We may need to come back after them later. I'd rather be inside a cabin if it's gonna really let loose."

"You think we have enough wood?"

Joe counted what they had and figured in what they'd hauled that morning. "We'll make it work. When we get back I want you to cut some willows and show Sarah how to weave them together. I'll get some reeds then you and me'll throw as many of these on the frame as we can."

"Sarah may have a few of them peeled when we get there." They tightened the ropes over the logs and stretched.

"That'll help." He picked up the reins. "Hup there. Get movin' you."

The logs moved forward as the ox strained.

"Let's go, Levi."

He grinned as the boy's ox made it to the trail before he did. The beast strained to climb the hill after his companion. Snowflakes started a lazy descent as they pulled into camp and corralled the animals.

Joe rushed to the marsh and gathered several armloads of reeds. He tied them into a bundle and hefted it onto his back. Sarah had already started weaving a sparse pile of willows together.

"Here's the reeds. They'll help with the water proofing."

She glanced up as her fingers kept working.

"Levi still bringing branches?"

She nodded to the nearby grove. "He's over there. Said he'd be back with more."

Joe craned his neck to see him through the branches. He shook his head and turned his attention to the remaining logs. Sarah had done a great job planing them. He ran a hand over the smooth surface. A scream whirled him around. Levi rushed from the willows, a great black beast on his heels.

Joe lunged for the rifle and moved several yards before firing. Levi stumbled and fell as the hooves rushed past him. Joe reloaded and fired again, sure of his aim now that Levi was out of the way. The beast struck at the ground, his hooves flashing. Levi scrambled between the planed logs, his hands over his head.

Once again, the muzzle flashed as the shot tore into the moose's chest. "Come on, drop."

Joe stepped closer as he reloaded and fired again. The beast turned to face his new attacker. He snorted and pawed the ground, waving his rack menacingly.

Joe took a deep breath and aimed before squeezing off a shot just as the moose charged. He turned and braced for the impact that never came.

Levi looked up from the logs, his eyes wide. "You got him, Joe."

Joe turned to face the moose who had crumpled to the ground. He swallowed hard. "Still got that smoker set up?"

Levi grinned. "Yeah."

"Good. We'll need it. Let's get him strung up then we'll finish with the cabin."

Levi shook his head as he walked around the beast. "I figured he was like a cow. Didn't care if I was there or not."

"Nope. That thing'd rather kill you than look at you. Very territorial."

Joe worked quickly with his knife. "Sarah, do you want any of the organs?"

"Yes, please." She came rushing over with a pan. "Wish Grace was awake, she makes the best kidney pie."

"I'm sure you'll do fine," Joe said as he tried not to gag.

"You don't like kidney pie, Mr. Joe?"

"It's not one of my favorites but I'll eat it if you make it. Levi, go throw these pieces of heart in the frying pan. We'll need one of the oxen to help string him up."

"We're not gonna cut him up?"

Joe shook his head. "No. We need to get as done with that cabin as soon as possible. How's that weave comin', Sarah?"

She slapped the lid on the pan. "It's comin', Mr. Joe."

Levi led an ox to the moose. Joe hooked a rope to the moose then to the ox. "Pull it over to that tree. We'll loop the rope over a branch and hoist him in the air."

Sarah held a plate heaped with the steaming moose heart. Joe grabbed a piece and popped it into his mouth on the way past. "Thanks, Sarah."

"Joe, what do we need to do?"

"We need to hurry and get the last of the logs up, but we don't need to go so fast that we hurt ourselves. I think one more set will do. We'll reevaluate when we got those up. If it looks like we have time, we'll put up the parts for the roof. If not, we'll toss what we have up there and move in."

"Why not finish it tomorrow?"

Joe stopped and pointed to the tent. "See how bad that canvas is whipping?"


"The storm hasn't really even started yet. We need to be able to stop the wind as much as possible. Even if we only pitch the tent inside the cabin."

Levi nodded. "Let's get going then. Wish we could use the oxen."

"Yeah. Me too. I just don't know how. There aren't enough tall trees here to set up the block and tackle."

"I'm gonna go get the bundle of willows I dropped. Then we can start."

"Take the gun with you. You never know when another moose'll be in the willows."

The wind whipped and howled bringing stinging bits of snow with it. Joe narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the sky.

"Think we can get the ridgepole up in this?"

Levi nodded. "Same as the others. Tie one end and lever the other."

"I think we'll have to do it in two passes."

"We can't cut it."

"Right. We'll stand it up and tie it to the end of the house then lever it up as far as we can get it and tie that end off. Then we can push it the rest of the way."

"Sounds good. Let's get it done. Sarah's done with the weave. Want me to have her start moving stuff inside?"

Joe shook his head. "Not yet. We'll get the ridgepole in place then she can start while we're finishing up the roof."

"Still don't have a fireplace or chimney."

"The sides aren't chinked either. It'll get done."

The men pulled and tied and pulled again, inching the monstrous log into place. Joe cursed when it settled in the wrong spot. "Gotta try again. See if we can roll it so it sits right."

Levi nodded.

"On three. One, two ..." The log shifted pinning his hand. "ARGH!"

Levi's eyes widened as he scrambled for the log they'd been using as leverage. Joe sucked in his breath as the log lifted then settled in place. He held his throbbing hand to his heart, trying to hold back the words that sprang to his mind.

"You okay?"

Joe nodded. "Tie it."

"Your hand?"

He shook his head. "The log. We'll do the other side fast, then move the girls inside. This storm is getting bad, fast."

Joe scrambled across the slippery beams. He glanced at Levi. "You ready?"

Levi nodded. "You count."

Joe chuckled. "I counted last time. One, two, three..."

The pair pushed as one, sliding the beam into place. Levi wrapped cording around it, tying it in place.

"Now the girls then we'll get the roof up."

Levi nodded and almost slid off the roof. "Sarah! It's ready. Let's go."

Joe followed slowly, wondering exactly how bad he'd hurt his hand. He hoped nothing was broken, there was way too much to do.

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