Chapter 30

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"Joe! I saw some deer down by the creek. Let's go test that gun." Levi's eyes sparkled with anticipation.

Joe planted the pitchfork into the hay and grinned. "Sure. I'll grab yours too." He trotted through the snow toward the house.

Sarah ducked out of the cabin and headed to the barn. "Levi, can I ask a question?"

Joe nodded at her as they passed. He fumbled with the latch for a moment before the door swung open and he reached for the rifles over the mantle. He flinched as a crock shattered against the mantle and an ear-piercing scream filled the cabin. His eyes widened and he backpedaled away from Grace's attack. Hands held up in surrender, he backed into the door.

"Whoa, Grace. It's okay."

"How do you know my name? Why are you in my cabin? Who are you?"

She threw the coffee pot at him, splashing him with the warm liquid.


She screamed again as he reached for the handle and opened the door.


Levi threw the pitchfork at the hay and ran toward him, eyes filled with concern. "What?"

Joe backed further out of the house as the skillet bounced off the ground and into his shins. "Grace! She's a lunatic!"

Sarah bolted toward the house. "I thought she was sleeping." She threw herself into Joe's arms.

"Let go of my sister!" Grace commanded from in the house.

"Go inside. She won't hurt you," Joe whispered.

Sarah turned hurt and frightened eyes on him.

Joe smiled. "I'll be fine. She needs to calm down and sit down before she pulls stitches."

Levi rushed past them into the house. "Grace. Calm down."

"I'll not calm down when there's a strange, disfigured man in my home."

"It's his home too, Grace. He built this cabin mostly by himself."

Joe swallowed as he met Grace's stunned gaze in the moment before the cabin door closed behind Sarah. His mind spun. How could she think that? I'm disfigured? He rubbed his hands over his eyes and shook his head before tromping back to the barn. Let them figure it out. I'll live in the barn with the rest of the animals.

He attacked the pile of hay, taking his hurt out on it as he moved it from the wagon into the loft. The wagon was all but empty when Levi cleared his throat next to it.

"You gonna ignore me forever?"

Joe's jaw worked. "Nah. Just for a bit."

Levi chuckled. "Got her calmed down."

"That's good. She's a right good tornado when she's upset."

"I'll say. She's confused and she's hurting."

Joe kicked the rest of the hay into a pile. "Yeah. I gathered."

"We still going hunting?"

"Don't have a gun. Can't get near mine without having a human hurricane attack me."

Levi cackled. "I've got your gun right here."

Joe jumped down and took his rifle, slinging it over his shoulder. "Let's see if I can blow more steam off while we hunt."

"Me too."

The pair stalked through the willows as they neared the creek, hoping the deer were still there. Joe stopped and nodded to a small herd nibbling the grass they'd dropped as they forded the creek earlier. Levi nodded and made hand gestures to show he wanted to go further upstream for a clearer shot. Joe grinned and nodded.

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