Chapter 39

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Joe brushed down the horses while everyone else was rounding up ornaments for the tree.

"You all right?" Levi asked from the doorway.

Joe patted the horse's flank and looked up. "Yeah."

"What's wrong?"

Joe shook his head. "Nothing really."

"What did Grace say to you? You were fine before we headed home. And when we got here, not so fine."

"It's nothing." Joe kicked a pile of straw. "Just something she said about believing in the bible and Christmas."

Levi nodded. "They're synonymous."

"She just made me think is all. Nothing's really wrong."

"Here's the thing. You claim to not believe. What I've seen since you've joined us is nothing short of a series of miracles. If you hadn't found Grace when you did, she would have died. If you hadn't helped us off the mountain, Sarah would've died with her coughing fits. You knew the cures. You did most of the work for the house and the barn because my head hurts too bad sometimes to do much of anything. You saved us so many times."

Joe shook his head. "No. I just did what was necessary to survive."

"You stayed when you didn't have to. You could have left at any time. But you didn't. That's what she's saying about you. You're a good man, Joe."

Joe shook his head. "I'm not a good man."

"So you're a bad man? A charlatan? A man like those you fought the other day?"


"Then what?"

"You're making me out to be an angel. I'm not."

"None of us are."

"What would you say if I had inappropriate thoughts?"

Levi smiled and nodded. "I'd say what are you gonna do about it?"

Joe worked his jaw several times.

"I've watched Sarah react to you. She's learned, grown. I never expected her to be able to read. Never do math. That's what she's doing inside. Counting the fabric bows she wants to put on the tree. Adding things and subtracting things like you showed her. You're like the big brother I didn't know how to be. Like the parent Pa never was - never took the time to be."

Joe looked up, a half-smile on his face.

"And Grace." He shook his head as he hung a harness on the peg. "She's so far gone. Head over heels for you."

"She's in love with Jeremy."

"No. She knows Jeremy is gone. She told me so. She's in love with you. She loves everything you do. Everything you say. How humble you are. How you tell Sarah every night that the meal is your favorite, even if it's the fifth night we had it this week."

Joe glanced toward the house.

"Joe, no one can change your heart but God. If you don't believe, that's fine. I'll thank God for every little thing you've taught me. Everything you've done for us. You are our Christmas miracle. Our saving grace."

Joe opened his mouth to disagree but Levi only smiled and walked away.

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