Chapter 20

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The horse whinnied nearby. Joe turned toward it and cursed under his breath. The reins had become entangled in the willows. Every time the horse moved, so did the branches. He shied away from their attack, making matters even worse. Joe rushed forward, slowing as he reached the distressed animal. He spoke in low, soothing tones as he reached for the reins.

The horse jerked its head and danced away. Joe gritted his teeth and tried again with the same results. Finally, on the third attempt, he was able to capture the frightened animal. He petted and crooned until the horse settled then he worked on untangling the branches.

As he led the horse back to camp, Sarah glanced up from tending Levi. Fright filled her young face. Joe spun around, fully expecting to see an indian behind him. There was nothing. Joe turned, his confusion evident on his face. "What?"

Sarah cringed, using Levi's prone form as a shield.

"Sarah? What's wrong?"

Her jaw quivered as a tear trickled down her cheek. "Mr. Joe, you're scary."

Joe furrowed his brow and glanced down at himself. His eyes widened as he realized this was the first time Sarah had really seen him without a shirt on. When she'd woken him, he had been sleeping on his back and his head had been pressed up against the wagon box. His chest wasn't too bad, but his back, Joe was all too familiar with the angry red raised scars that crisscrossed his back. He reached up and smoothed his scraggly hair that grew between the furrows left by the bear's claws, almost like little mohawks. 

"Yeah. I'm scary. But I'm the same old Joe."

He tied the horse to the picket line and moved to Levi's side, careful to stay on the opposite side as Sarah. "He still hasn't woke up?"

Sarah shook her head, a small whimper escaped her clenched lips.

Joe nodded. "Ok. I'm gonna put him in the tent. I want you to stay in there and make sure he and Grace are comfortable."

A horrified look crossed her face. "I-I'm sorry Mr. Joe! Please don't leave us! I didn't mean it!" Sarah's jumbling words barely made sense. She collapsed into sobs as she repeated the same words over and over again.

Realization finally dawned as Joe watched the girl sob. She thinks I'm gonna leave them alone. 

He stepped over Levi and gathered the quaking girl into his arms. She buried her face against his chest as she sobbed. "Sweetie, I'm not leaving. I'm gonna unload the wagon. I just need you and Levi out of the way while I do that. I've never run a team like yours before."

He rocked back and forth, comforting Sarah. Her tears finally stopped. Joe thought she was asleep for a moment.

"Mr. Joe? Are you sure you won't leave?"

"Positive. I won't leave until you at least have a roof over your head and food for the winter. Even then, I'm not sure I'll leave. Levi's a strong kid, but farming is hard work even for a grown man. He may need some help for a bit."

Sarah sniffed and wiped her nose. "Wh-what happened to your back?"

Joe grinned down at her. "It was a bear. Just like the old indian."

"Just like Grace?"

"Yeah. Just like Grace. Is she scary?"

Sarah giggled. "No."

"Why not?"

Sarah shrugged. "She's my sister."

"That's right. She was your sister long before she got her scars. I've been your friend for a long time too."

"Only a few days."

Joe smiled. "Yeah. It feels like a lot longer. I've had my scars since I was Levi's age. I wasn't scary yesterday when they were covered. I'm the same Joe today as I was yesterday."

"Nu-uh. You fought indians today."

Joe laughed. "Yeah. I did."

He helped Sarah to her feet before he rose. "Help me get Levi in the tent."

"Okay, Mr. Joe."

After Levi was settled, Joe turned his attention to the wagon. He scratched his head, trying to figure out what Levi had planned. The wagon was backed up to a large tree near the building site. A grin spread across his face as he put the pieces of the plan together. "Atta boy Levi. Work smarter, not harder."

Joe looped a rope around the tree then tied it to a log in the wagon. He clucked to the team as he'd heard Levi do but they didn't respond. He tried several different variations of noises. Joe glared at the team. "Really? What do I need to do to get you to move?"

The animals stepped forward, pulling the wagon out from under the load one or two logs at a time. "I see. I need to ask first. Come on, you crazy beasts. Let's get this done."

Joe unhitched the team and tied them to their picket lines. He saddled the horse and led it to the tent. "Sarah? I'm gonna go back where we were cutting wood to get the tools. You stay in the tent with your brother and sister. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Sarah's panic stricken face peeked out of the tent. "Wh-what if the indians come back? Or wolves?"

"You know how to use a rifle?"

She nodded.

"Fire the gun and I'll come as fast as I can. I shouldn't be gone long."

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