6 Dead

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Everything was dark and only the flickers of fire light illuminated grassy field that had taken on the colour of rust.

The figures of people were almost impossible to make out on the grass, their bodies also coated in blood. None moved as the small twitches of light brought them in and out of the shadows. I analyzed the men to the right and the stench of blood and burning wood filled my nostrils. All heads were down as if taking a moment of silence for the lives lost. That of course wouldn't be the case for all of them since many of the men enjoyed the battle.

I thought about my options; I could either run, or stay to nurse the wounded.

Where would we run to? Beth asked and I knew she was right. Originally my plan had been to somehow convince my parents to let me live with them but the recent events have brought me clarity. They abandoned me, they don't want me.

I could feel a slight sting emerge from my eyes but I pushed it back. These people for some reason respected me and I couldn't sacrifice their respect merely because I haven't gotten over my parent's sudden dismissal of me.

With the child tight in my arms, I began to walk towards the warriors of Shadow pack, that had recently been so eager to rip my throat out as I had done to a few of them them.

At the very front of the men stood one a bit prouder than the others and who I expected to at least be the third in command. "You," I said and he looked up at me uncertainly. He had curly carrot coloured hair that went down to his neck and freckled cheeks. His face reminded me of a rodent so I decided to refer to the man as rat.

Everyone slowly brought their eyes up; I could suddenly feel hundreds of eyes burning into the back of my head. "Are you gamma or beta of this pack?" I questioned.

The rat man gulped, "Gamma ma'am." I nodded slowly before deciding what my next move should be.

"Why did your pack attack River pack?" For a brief moment the gamma's eyes filled with a terrible rage, but it wasn't towards me.

"Someone in this pack killed our Beta." He growled through gritted teeth.

"You killed my son!" A woman's voice cried out but the gamma chose to ignore it.

There has always been minor feuds between the two packs but never had it gone so far as to kill one another. "And now our Alpha is dead as well," he snivelled.

Usually if an Alpha dies the beta replaces him, but with the beta dead, it was the gamma's responsibility to lead the pack. No pack has ever managed to survive with a gamma in charge; they just don't have what it takes. The best option would be to blend the Shadow pack with the Rive pack despite their differences because at least River pack had someone who could lead them. Some men would be upset but they would soon learn their place.

I turn to the women and children of River pack. "Where are your men?" I ask. A few of them begin to emit heartbreaking sobs and I regret asking them. They were probably killed a few hours ago meaning there are two packs without an Alpha or even a beta. I turn to the rat.

"What's your name?" In reaction to my question, he stands up straighter, perhaps finally realizing that he will need to toughen up if he wants to protect the Shadow pack .

"Rick." That's odd; it didn't seem like the name of a rat. I inwardly sigh as I try to think of the best way to phrase this so that he won't be offended, "Is there anyone higher in rank who can take the place of Alpha?"

Unfortunately I didn't phrase it right and Rick Rat shrinks back in embarrassment, "No ma'am."

"I think it would be best for your pack if you sent word to Alpha Stevens of Soul pack, because the best thing to do in this situation is merge the three packs. A few men grunt but none actually argue with me. When I look to the survivors of the River pack they are much more afraid, being that many of their loved ones have been murdered by the men before them. One of the Shadow pack's warriors turns completely around and begins to sprint into the forest that links all of our packs together.

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