7 Alpha?

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The burying of the bodies took up most of my night but once me and the man whom I didn't know had finished putting all of them in the mass grave we both quietly went to our separate tents.

At my tent there was a short girl holding a dress while absentmindedly twirling a strand of rich brown hair around her pointer finger. When I got close enough for her to notice my scent she stopped twirling and made a gulping noise that was heightened in volume from the lack of sound in the night. She shuffled towards me awkwardly before lifting up the dress to me as almost an offering. I looked down at my body and noticed that I was completely naked.

"Thanks," I said to her and smiled to show how grateful I was. I gently picked it up and walked into my tent to change and go back to the woman who had the baby.

I knew that I told her I would get the child from her in the morning but for some reason I felt protective over him and wanted to keep him in my tent to make sure that he would be safe.

Most of the people were already fast asleep along with some men taking turns on lookout. Fortunately the woman was still up and didn't take me coming early as an insult like I had expected her to. Beside her tent was a dull fire that crackled occasionally but the light emitted was little to none.

Carefully, she handed me the boy and made sure to advise me on how to take care of him for the night and how to hold him which I was grateful for. She even gave me some formula she happened to find in the alpha's home and I whispered many thanks.

I looked down at the little face snuggled under the blanket she had wrapped around him and discovered he was sleeping. Soon the woman's fire was nothing but a dot behind me as I walked back to my tent.

When I had finally fallen asleep, I dreamed.

Usually my dreams are about my parents and I living at home, happy about how great our lives are. There was no talk of lunas or responsibility.

Tonight my dream was much more vivid.

I was in a thick forest, it was midday and my wolf had taken over. My predatory eyes looked side to side, trying to find out where he was.

There, just northwest of me was a dark shape that I could barely make out from the shadow of the trees.

Almost instantly the time of day changed to night and the figure faded out of my sight altogether.

From the direction I had last seen the supposed animal, I heard the sound of paws hitting the ground; then a loud and agonizing howl that shook the trees like a strong gust of wind.

It stepped out of the shadows and the first thing that I noticed was its piercing human-like grey eyes. As soon as I noticed the colour they turned pitch black.

It was a wolf.

It was very large and couldn't have been an average wolf just because of its massive size.

Its fur was black with grey lines that seemed almost strategically placed on the body. As it edged closer I could make out a large grey line that followed down the line of its spine.

I couldn't understand why but something inside urged me to howl back at the wolf, tell it I was okay. The wolf growled and came closer to me and that's when I howled back. I didn't know why but my howl was just as disconsolate and frustrated as it's had been. My howl didn't convince it to stop edging closer and instead invited it to pick up its pace.

I wanted to shy away or close my eyes but something in me wanted to run to the wolf and welcome it like an old friend. Not fully liking either option, I stood still with my eyes cast to its legs.

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