7- Primordial of the Tide and Waves

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"I like you Luke, a lot" she told me softly after she pulled away.


Percy POV

I now stood in front of Lady Chaos ready to receive Godhood. I was very nervous because Bianca said it was very painful.

"Peruses Jackson, do you accept to become a primordial?" Lady Chaos asked me.

"Yes" I answered and with that a powerful black column of magic came at me, my body felt like it was going to explode. That's when I fell unconscious from the pain.

Bianca/Angel POV

"I like you Luke, a lot" I told him softly after I pulled away from the kiss. I was extremely nervous, I knew he liked me but the only time I had ever felt this way about a boy I died protecting him. Yes I had a crush on Percy but I got over it. Now you're most likely thinking, why did you join the hunt if you liked a boy? Simple I saw how much Percy loved Annabeth and I would never try to get between that.

"I like you too," Luke said. He than kissed me again and this time it wasn't for a bet nor was it to get one of us to shut up. It was the one that made me realise that I didn't like Luke.

Percy POV

I woke up in the infirmary with a very painful headache. I groaned trying to sit up.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" I heard someone say, I looked around to see Zoë standing at the end of the bed.

"I thought Lee and Michael work in the infirmary?" I questioned.

"They do but they both had to go and do something" Zoë told me "Would you rather to wake up and see them?" She asked.

"I'd like wake up to someone who wouldn't kill me if I say the wrong thing" I told her and she laughed.

"I'm not like that anymore" she stated "I'd only mildly hurt you"

"That makes me so much more comfortable" I said grinning, she laughed and I laughed along with her no matter how much it hurt. That's when Michael, Lee and Chaos walked in.

"Percy's awake" Zoë stated.

"We can see that Zoë, thank you for watching over him" Chaos told Zoë "Now Percy you are the Primordial of the Tide and Waves, now I must go and find Bianca as we need to have a chat," with that said Lady Chaos left the room.

"Well Perce you're good to go and here this should help with the headache" Michael told me handing me two little black squares and walking away.

"It's Chaos food, it's like ambrosia" Zoë told me. I nodded and ate the squares.

"Come on let's go find the others" she said grabbing my arm and pulling me down the hallway away from the infirmary.

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