24 - Escaping the Darkness

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"Dakota is hoping to speak to someone about Pollux," Hazel stated.

"I've got Vine and Nevi!" Flame announced, following him were two more army members.

"We'll leave you guys alone," Hazel smiled at Dakota before Gwen and her left.


"Bianca?" I heard Nico ask. I sighed. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this a secret. I reached up to pull down my hood but a inky, black shadow passed over us and that was the last thing I remember before passing out.


Pain. Hot, searing pain. Pain I hadn't felt since I died.It was consuming my body.  I couldn't tell where it was coming from. All I knew is that it shouldn't be there. I tried to stay quiet. I tried to not make a sound. No movement. Nothing. I don't want them to know I'm awake. I need to know where I am. I need to know where Nico is. We need to escape.

An ear splitting scream rang through out the cavern. It took me a second to realize that it was my scream. The pain had won and now I couldn't stop.

I felt something grip my hand. It held on tightly. I tried to get it off me but it wouldn't move. It only tightened. It took me another second to realize that the darkness I was in was my eyelids.

Opening my eyes, everything was blurry. My throat felt raw from my screaming. Another second later I realized the thing holding my hand was Nico. He was trying to calm me down. Whispering calming word. His thumb massaging the back of my hand. I took large gulps of the acid air we were in.

"Nico?" I whispered. My throat felt as if it was tearing.

"Calm down Bianca. Nyx, she tried to take away your Immortality," Nico explained. "How much do you remember?"

"The last thing is talking to you in the Hades cabin," I hissed before I started coughing.

"Well, it didn't work. She was so angry that Chaos is still somehow protecting you,"

"Do you know where it Tartarus we are?"

"I think we're in the Night Mansion but I'm not entirely sure,"


"Good? Why is that good?" Nico exclaimed.

"One. I live here. Two. I'm the primordial of Death and Shadows and at the moment we are surrounded by my element. Not to mention I have a demigod to protect, making me even stronger," I looked over at my little brother. "We need a plan, I'm assuming we can't shadow travel,"

"I know I can't because I'm only a son of Hades but why can't you?"

"The cell we are in, it blocks any and all teleportation methods," I explained. "Nyx, used to lock up Hermera in here when they were younger. The darkness stopped Hermera using her powers but it only enhance mine,"

"So basically your mother is hoping for your escape," Nico concluded.


"So this is once huge never ending trap?"


"We have no plan but we're going to go off instincts?"

"Most likely,"

"Bring it on," I couldn't help but laugh.

"I missed you,"

"I missed you too," I looked over at Nico. I could only make out his outline in the darkness. "But seriously, any idea what her plan could be?"

"No but once we're out of the mansion, I have a place we can go." I explained. " Help me up,"

Nico helped me up. I took a deep breath and put my hands to the cold rock that was the door. I focused on the dark shadows around us, pushing them against the door. I felt Nico place his own hands on the door and started to break down the rock. After about a minute the door gave way and crumbled to the floor like rain.

I was expecting an army of soldiers but instead in the hallway that was in front of us laid our weapons. Not one guard in sight.

"Now this is slightly worrying," Nico stated.

"In movies this is where the character says 'who cares, let's get out of here' but I have a feeling if we grab the weapons my mother's trap will spring out," I tried to joke.

"Very funny, what should we do?" Nico asked, looking at me. My poor brother looked like hell. He had a black eye and a busted lip.

"Who did that to you?" I demanded.

"It doesn't matter at the moment, the only thing that truly matters right now is how do we get out with our weapons,"

"Fine. I used to live here remember, I know a way out and the weapons thing, that's easy. Come on, I'll show you," I turned down the hall making sure not to hit any trip lines, if there were any. From what I could tell there was none. Did my mother really think I wouldn't be able to escape?

"What about our weapons?" Nico asked following me down the hall. I looked back at the weapons that lay on the floor in front of our cell.

"Here should work," I stated. I crouched down to the floor and held out my arms. I focused on the shadows around our weapons and made them push the weapons to us.

No alarm. No cage. No hole. Nothing happened. Nothing changed.

"That was uneventful," Nico stated. "Maybe she was over confident?"

"That doesn't sound like her,"

"Who cares, let's just get out of here. You know the way, right?"

"Yeah, I know the way. Come on, let's go," I turned back towards the end of the hall.


Hey guys. I'm really sorry about not updating. I've had end of year exams and all that other crap that goes with it. Other then that, I've been lazy and had no idea what I was even writing about. I should be able to update more as summer vacation has basically started. But I probably won't be updating next week as I don't know it I will have any internet.

Love you guys.

LilydaughterofHecate signing out.

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