14- My Chat With Chiron

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"Right Campers, back to whatever you were doing," Chiron shouted. All the campers dispersed away. "Miss Angel, may I talk to you in private,"

Bianca/Angel POV

I walked into the Big House, following Chiron. I watched the centaur carefully, wondering what could he want.

"There is no need to hide your face from me, Miss Di Angelo," He stated as we walked into the front room. I froze in my spot staring in shock at the centaur.

"How did-" I started.

"I know?" He asked smiling wisely. "I watch the way each of you acted, along with your "parents" and your code names it was quite easy to figure it out," He stopped letting the information sink in, "But what really proved my theory was when I saw the way you looked at your brother, Nico," I sighed.

"I didn't think it would be so hard to see him and not hug him," I told the mentor truthfully, taking my hood off in the process.

"I recommend that you tell him who you truly are," He suggested. "But alas I did not bring you in here to talk about your brother, I brought you in here to talk about gaining the trust of the campers," He gave me a stern look, "I'm assuming that you knew that the campers won't trust you,"

"I expected as much and I'm guessing as long as Annabeth doesn't trust us, none of the camp will either?" I sighed. Chiron shook his head.

"Some campers make it a sport to prove Annabeth wrong, your brother is one of them, along with Thalia, Clarisse La Rue, Katie Gardner, the Stoll brothers, Chris Rodriguez, Will Solace, Jake Mason and a few other older campers, they'll be the first few to trust you but they need proof that you deserve their trust, telling Nico who you are will be the first step in gaining their trust once Nico trusts you, the rest will follow,"

"But it could go the opposite way, Nico could get angry and go against us," I told him.

"Each one of your warriors has some sort of strong connection to one of the campers, for example Dove and Clarisse, Flame and Forge with Jake and Vine and Pollex, my sugestion is to reveal to them who each of you are, when they all see Percy they will be on your side,"

"So what you are saying to get certain campers on our side we need to show who we are?" I questioned


"Well, we didn't tell Percy who we were we made him guess, this is going to be difficult for a few of us like Luke who still thinks he is seen as a traitor," I sighed, why can't anything be simple.

"As long as you are all hidden under your masks, you will have no allies here, but if you show a few at first, allies will come more easier," He smiled and left muttering something about training the camper. I thought about what he said as I put on my hood and walked out of the Big House. But instead of going the the Chaos cabin, I headed towards cabin 13, the Hades cabin.

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