22 - Romans are More Difficult Than Fire-Breathing Horses

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Soon everyone left the cabin and I was sitting on Nico's bed alone. I took a deep breath. 'I will get Nico back, no matter what,' With that final thought I feel asleep.


The first IM I sent was to Hazel who as soon as she saw me told me to leave them alone and cut it off. The second IM went to Frank who didn't even say a word before cutting it off. The third one I sent went to Reyna who chopped it half but not before giving me a nasty glare. I huffed in annoyance. Maybe I can message the whole camp while they are having lunch. I look down at my watch seeing it would be ten minutes till lunch they unless they changed times.

Lucky for me they didn't change meal times and the IM appeared in the middle of the mess hall.

"BEFORE ANYONE DECIDES TO CUT ME OFF I WANT TO SAY THAT NOT ALL GREEKS HATE PERCY JACKSON!!!!" I shouted at the Romans. Reyna, Hazel and Frank froze. "I also wanted to inform you that there is a new prophecy and that Camp Half Blood is going to be under attack soon and that Nico Di Angelo is missing once again,"

"Nico's missing," Hazel gasped, "I'm so sorry Piper I shouldn't have cut you off earlier! Do you know who took Nico and who are you facing?" Reyna quickly took the IM out of the mess hall with Frank and Hazel following.

"Yeah, we believe that either Nyx, Tartarus or Gaea or maybe all three took Nico and an ally that Lady Chaos herself had sent to help us.

"What is this new prophecy?" Reyna questioned, glaring at Piper.

"Haha, funny story, I don't actually know it, only head Councillors and Chaos' army do," I smiled nervously.

"I thought you were a head Councillor?" Reyna questioned again,  still not trusting me fully.

"Another funny story, I got voted out after voicing that I'm on Percy's side, most of the head Councillors you know aren't Councillors, Thalia's not even a hunter anymore!" I explained quickly, "In fact I think the only Councillors to stay the same would be Jason and Annabeth, the two camp leaders, both with their respective partners of course, Annabeth with her ass, son of Zeus boyfriend Troy and Jason with Drew, I think you remember her?" I rolled my eyes. Drew tried to hit on Frank and Hazel almost decapitated her.

"Yeah, we remember her," Reyna glanced at Hazel, "You mentioned something else, Chaos' army?"

"Oh! Right! Yeah! Fun story, Chaos sent down her army, that is full of children of Primordials, they were sent to help us the only problem is that no one other than the outcasts actually like them,"

"Outcasts?" Frank questioned, frowning slightly, "Camp Half-Blood has outcasts now?"

"Yeah, the Percy supporters," I supplied rolling my eyes, "We're lucky to be able to sleep in our own cabins, we're not allowed to eat with our cabin or do the camp activities with our cabin, I'm quite surprised Chiron hasn't allowed to all sleep in the Hades cabin yet, I mean Clarisse got attacked in her sleep the other night," 

"What! Its that bad!" Hazel shouted, she sounded so shocked and worried. "Are you okay Piper? I mean Aphrodite kids can get vicious at times!"

"If you're asking if I get attacked in my sleep, I'm pretty sure the answer is obvious considering I've been sleeping in Leo's bunk for almost a year and a half,"

"Hasn't any of the Hephaestus kids filled that bunk up yet?" Frank questioned, froming slightly. 

"No. I think they believe it really is cursed, after all the last two people who slept in it died in an explosion," I explained, "Jake and Nyssa are the only ones that know I stay there,"

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