8- The Omega

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"Now Percy you are the Primordial of the Tide and Waves, now I must go and find Bianca as we need to have a chat," with that said Lady Chaos left the room.
It was the one that made me realise that I didn't like Luke.

Bianca/Angel POV

"Does this mean we're dating?" Luke asked.

"I guess so," I stated as I leaned in for another kiss but of course Lady Chaos had to walk into the room.

"Bianca you know the rules no making out with boys in the training room," she told me. I quickly stepped away from Luke.

"Sorry Lady Chaos," I apologised.

"No need to apologise, nor do you need to be so formal and we also need to have a little chat so please follow me," she said walking out of the room, I had no choice but to follow.

"As you know Percy is now a Primordial and is now more powerful than Alpha, your second command so I'm sorry if this bothers you but Percy is to become the second in command, understood," Chaos told me I nodded.

"I'll go tell him right now," I stated.

"Good he's in the rec room," Chaos told me. With that information I ran off to find Percy Jackson, he really needs to get a code name.

I ran into the Rec room to see everyone but Luke in there.

"Where's Luke?" I questioned.

"Training room, like always," Leo answered.

"Ok, anyway Percy I need to speak with you," I told. There were a few 'Oh O, you're in trouble' and 'Going into the principal's office' it was mainly from Leo. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door Percy following me.

"You need to speak with me?" He asked.

"Yes, first I would like you to become second in command and second you need a code name," I told him.

"Why not Luke?" He asked.

"Because you are more powerful than him and most likely more powerful than me but anyway, will you?" I asked him.

"I guess but you should know I don't really like being powerful nor do I like being a leader," he stated.

"But that's what your good at it, you are a great leader, you are loyal, kind, caring and friendly, and anyone who doesn't see that is an idiot, even if they are the daughter of Athena," I told him smiling.

"How did you know about Annabeth, I didn't tell anyone about that?" He questioned.

"I'm the protectress of demigods, I see everything that happens on earth when demigods are involved," I stated.

"You're the voice I heard," he exclaimed.

"Wait you heard that?"

"Yeah, didn't you do that on purpose?" He asked frowning.

"No I didn't realise I could do that," I told him.

"You were worried for me," he stated smirking.

"Well I didn't want the gods killing you," I told him, playfully punching his arm laughing, he laughed along with me.

"So you and Luke huh," Percy joked.

"Don't say anything about that got it," I told him blushing. He laughed at my blushing.

"So you do like him, he really likes you, you know," he told me.

"Oh I know he likes me and we maybe dating," I told him.

"No way, why didn't you tell anyone?" He asked.

"We just got together," I explained.

"That makes more sense," he said laughing.

"Ok what's going to be your code name?" I asked still giggling.

"Um, tide?" He said it more like a question and less like a statement.

"So your name is going to be tide and you're the God of tides?" I questioned. He shook his head.

"What do you think it should be?" He questioned

"Omega. You know how in wolf packs there's the Alpha, the betas and then the omegas, omegas are the outcasts, wolfs that aren't allowed in the pack and that's what you are to the Gods, an outcast," I explained, he nodded.

"That makes sense," he stated.

"Well come to Chaos, Omega," I stated.

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