27- Secret Plans and Fake Deaths

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Percy slowly took his hood off. Sky blue met sea green. Blonde met raven. Sky met water. Healer met destroyer.

"JACKSON!" She screamed. "YOU NO GOOD, LITTLE TRAITOR!" Percy's eyes widened before a smirk settled on his face.

"Hello Angel. So glad you can make it. Where's little brother?" Leo looked over to Percy. His eyes were darker than Leo had ever seen him. He wasn't the guy Leo knew. He wasn't on our side.

"Angel and Nico didn't come back two nights ago. Percy is evil and Angel is now back and hell bent on killing Percy and -"

"Hazel, I'm so sorry." Hazel couldn't react before Tahlia came up to the group.

"Hazel?" She sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. Tears leaking out of both girls eyes.

Jason POV

I stared at the spot where Percy Jackson stood. Percy Jackson. That name, that person had been sitting on my conscious since the day he disappeared. The day I broke up with Piper. The day everyone found out Annabeth was cheating on Percy. The day Percy was pronounced as an enemy to Olympus. The day everything changed. That day was the worst and best day of my life. I hated it but I also admire it and I don't understand why.

I looked over at Annabeth who seemed to be in shock. She knew that if Percy is alive and is a primordial now, she was going to pay for what she did. In fact we all were going to pay for what we did.

I looked over at Angel. She looked familiar but I couldn't place her. Like I had seen her in a photo but he couldn't think who showed me it. She was crying into the cloaked shoulder of Alpha. In fact the only hoodless people of the army were her and Leo.

That's when there was shouting.
"What do you mean you had always known!" Alpha shouted at Angel.

"You knew that Percy was going to end up betraying us!" Constellation yelled at the dark haired girl.

"If you listen to the prophecy, you'd figure it out as well." Angel stated.

"Why didn't you lock him up? Hand him over to Chaos?!" Alpha yelled. Everyone had become silent, watching the argument unfold.

"Will you lower your voice?" Angel hissed, but since everyone had become quiet everyone could hear her.

"What's this about knowing Percy was going to betray us?" Reyna asked. Her eyes never left the primordial's eyes.

"In the prophecy there are two lines indicating someone will betray us. One claims it was one of us the second was the camper's equivalent and that wisdom's child will drive them to it." Angel explained.

"So you decided to leave that part out?" Annabeth asked.

"It was Chaos' plan. We make Percy believe he is fooling us and strike in the right time." Angel stated.

"Didn't really work though did it?" Constellation glared at her leader.

"Actually it worked perfectly well, don't you say so Nico?" Angel smirked as shadows near her darkened and out stepped Nico Di Angelo.

"I agree, did go well." Nico smirked.

"It is quite easy to fake people's deaths when you're the Goddess of death." Angel stated looking over our shocked faces.

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