I'm his now

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I walked into history and immediately Mr Edwards stopped in front of me

"Your not in this class"

"Yes I am, sorry to disappoint you, Sir" I replied sarcastically

"Great, well sit down and shut up and try not to end up on your knees Eva"

The class loved this and clapped him in response, the only thing I thought to do was either walk out or sit down. I walked towards my chair and as I went to sit down someone pulled my chair out from under me and pushed me forwards so I ended up falling onto my knees. Mr Edwards walked in front of me looking down at my bleeding knees

"Get out Eva your causing a distraction" Mr Edwards all but shouted at me

I pulled my self up trying not to let it bother me

"Go see your darling Mr Downes for the rest of this period, and maybe the rest of the year"

I walked towards Mr Downes knowing I'll either get a lecture or this punishment that I seem to be waiting for. As I got to the office I realised that I actually had blood running down my legs from my knees

"Sir, I need your help" as I walked into his office

"What- fuck Eva what happened" as he spotted my legs and knelt down in front of me

"Mr Edwards" I whispered as I started crying

"Sit down and I'll clean you up"

Mr Downes walked out the room to get a first aid kit. As he walked back into the room I felt something shift in the room as he knelt in front of me

"What did Mr Edwards do Eva?" He asked softly as he touched the faint bruise left on my cheek

I told him what happened as tears started trailing down my face

"I'll fucking kill him Eva, he doesn't get to treat you like that, I mean what happens next because if he lays one finger on you then I can't be held responsible" He almost started shouting as he brought me down to sit on his knees

"Please don't do anything, you'll get fired and your the only person I have left in this school"

"Eva" he sighed "I need to clean the blood off your legs and patch you up and it might sting a bit as well" he went to lift me off his knee and onto the chair but I refused to let go because however much it annoyed me and I needed the comfort his warmth brought me

He started to clean up my legs slowly and carefully as he got closer to the cuts on my knees I began to whimper as the stinging got too much

"Fuck Eva I need to do this I don't know what I can do to help"

"Kiss me" I pleaded him

He leant down slowly and kissed me carefully on the lips then on the cheeks as he kissed away my tears that stained my cheek

Mr Downes started cleaning my knees again carefully stroking my hair trying to calm me down. He finished cleaning to blood off my knees but it was replaced by bruises covering my knees instead

"Who pushed you Eva? Because those bruises won't caused by you just falling"

"Let me deal with it please sir, I need to find a way to cope because other wise I'll just end up having to move colleges to where people haven't heard of the most stupid thing I have ever done"

"Your mine, I look after you it's that simple"

He bent down and stood me up and smoothed down my hair and skirt

"We'll talk about that punishment later but for now we've got to go make music together"

All The Right Buttons (student/teacher story)Where stories live. Discover now