12. Punishment

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This chapter contains ALOT of sex so if your not older enough or easily offended please skip :)


It was after college that I was walking home dragging my feet that I began to think what Mr Downes had meant about punishment and I doubt it had anything to do with detention or writing lines

As I got home I found my mum asleep on the sofa again sleeping off whatever she had taken, the house was a tip and I decided to clean it even though I knew it wouldn't last. I walked up stairs to get changed into something that I wouldn't care about dusty and mucky which happened to a pair of shorts and large t-shirt with my hair scrapped back

A couple of hours had past and I had got the living room clean and tidy and the kitchen was sparkling. I decided to make a chilli thinking that I could put it in the fridge and anyone could eat it when my mum was passed out. I put my earphones in preferring to cook to music dancing round the kitchen knowing that no one would bother to watch.

I began to slice the onion and I turned round and there stood the perfect figure of Mr Downes

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I whisper shouted at him incase my mum woke up

"Mouth Eva, and I've decided what your punishment should be for not been able to control your orgasm under my fingers"

"What?" The ball of apprehension grew larger in the pit of stomach but it began to mix with excitement

"Your going to finish cooking that chilli naked so I can enjoy your body then we're going to take some of that back to mine and the rest is for you to find out when we get home"

"But what about my mum she's in the other room and my sister might come home"

"I've dealt with it because that's what I do, now strip and cook for us"

I began to take off my t-shirt when Mr Downes walked over and pulled it over my head and while staring at me he continued to pull down my shorts till I was stood in just my underwear

"I wonder if your knickers still have your juices on from earlier when you came all over my hand" and with that he pulled down my black lacy knickers "I was right and you have no idea how hot I find it that I can turn you on so quick and so hard"

"Just you"

"Yes just me Eva now lets leave your bra on so you don't hurt one of my favourite parts of you, now cook" he said laughing as he smacked my bum

I started cutting the onions again trying to ignore the feeling of excitement in my stomach of what was coming, suddenly I felt his hands slip in between my arms and cup my sex whispering in my ear that he needed to protect me otherwise he wouldn't be able to have his fun later. I tried to ignore the feel of his hands on me as I began adding the mince and peppers but as he dipped his fingers into me I lent back into him no longer being able to ignore him

"I think we need to try that lesson again now Eva don't cum until I say you can, okay?"

"Fuck you feel good, Sir"

"Mouth Eva, I think you'll find feeling your sex clamp down on my fingers and feeling how wet you get from my touch"

"Please let me cum, I can't stop it anymore please please please" I began to repeat feeling the pressure growing

"No Eva" he answered as he smacked my bum hard "now control it!"

I gasped in shock but it brought me back a bit as I grappled with the orgasm that I knew that was building as I began to grind my ass into his growing erection

"Stop that Eva otherwise I'll be taking you on the kitchen top and I won't be gentle" he snapped as I felt him grow harder as I reached behind and his ass pushing him into me

"Right I think this might be time for your punishment since you can't seem to control yourself" he said deadly serious as he pulled his fingers out of me and stepped backwards

"What do you mean Sir? Come back here I NEED you, please" I begged him as I needed to feel him

"No you don't get to cum Eva and when you do it's going to be so hard you forget where you are and after I've cum first, now finish this chilli so I can you back to mine and savage you"

I've never finished cooking chilli as quick except for a couple of times of oil splashing on me but Mr Downes was there to kiss the skin better. He got me dressed as quick as possible and bundled me into his car where he drove like a mad man to get me back to his.

"I don't really remember this place from when I came here last time" I stated as I walked round the living room trying to take everything and looking for anything he might be hiding from me

"Yeah well last time I was ready to fuck you in a taxi this time it's going to be different"

"Oh yeah" I challenged him knowing that he probably couldn't resist a challenge

"Yeah, now come here" I walked over and stood in front of him before I knew it I was up and over his shoulder in a fireman's lift

"I should always do this from now on its the quickest way to get you into bed" he carried me through into his room and laid me slowly on the bed running his eyes up and down my body

"Now then what I am going to do with you now you're here, oh the decisions I have to make" he laughed as he ran his hand up and down my leg slowly pushing my t-shirt up

"I think today I want to saviour every part of you and worship you slowly and see your eyes turn to the stars"

Mr Downes sat me up and pulled off my t-shirt and underwear so I was sat naked but I knelt up and began to undo his tie and I pulled it off and threw it to the side which was followed by his shirt and work trousers and boxers. All I could pay attention to was his enormous erection but he seemed to ignore it and laid me back down

"I want you to relax now Eva and just enjoy"

He began by kissing and biting my neck but I struggled thinking the last thing I needed was a love bit on my neck

"I won't mark you here Eva don't worry"

With that Mr Downes carried on down to my breasts where he licked each nipple to attention he then began to bite and kiss my breast leaving a love bite on each breast

"Only for me Eva"

I moaned in agreement as he trailed his hand down my body as he cupped my sex and dipped a finger in. He began to finger fuck my sex as he fingered my clit with his thumb making me buck underneath him but he held me down with his other hand

"This time Eva your going to cum over my cock, understand?"

I nodded as he thrust into me making me almost cum loudly on the spot

"Remember what I said about you screaming so hard that the neighbours would hear? I think we should put that to the test don't you Eva?"

I nodded as he picked up my legs and wrapped them round his waist as kept thrusting balls deep into my sex which felt amazing as he kept drilling into me going faster and faster

"We cum together Eva understand?!"

I moaned in agreement but I knew I couldn't hold off much longer as I tried to grab onto his back in desperation even though I knew I was probably scratching him but he grabbed my wrists and held them above my head as he kept pushing into me

"I can't fight it much longer Sir" I begged as he started thrusting harder and faster into me

"God Eva always call me that" he moaned I pulled him down to me and kissed him hard on the mouth so he could absorb my moans

"Eva" he shouted as I felt him begin to pump into me

"Fuck sir" I shouted as I started to cum round his cock and I didn't know what else to do apart from to moan loudly as my orgasm kept rolling and my sex clamped down onto his cock

"God Eva that was fucking fantastic" he said as he kissed me "I'm not usually a spooner Eva but come here" he pulled me into him as I fell asleep in the perfect post orgasm sleep

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