6. Camila

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When the elevator finally got to the lobby I walked out quickly, dragging my suitcase behind me. Normani was standing across the lobby talking to a couple fans and the screaming only got louder as I jogged over.

"Camila you look so beautiful." One girl on the outer edge of the group said. I smile, hugging her close.

Before letting her go I whisper, "I could say the same for you." into her ear, leaving a quick peck on her check.

"Hey Mila, how come Y/N Hemmings was singing to you last night?" Another girl asks. All heads turn to me, I should've known they would ask this question.

I bite my lip, thinking of a reply.

"I had seen her before the show actually started, I don't know guys." I finally answer. No one looks convinced.

"Are you two dating?" A voice rings out on the uncomfortable silence. Blood rushes to my face, my fingers absentmindedly go to play with the end of my shirt.

"N-No, we're not." I confirm, trying to sound confident. A few of the girls around me giggle, including Normani.

"You like her though don't you," someone asks, unable to be seen through the clump of teenage girls. "It's practically written on your forehead."

"I think she's beautiful, and just adorably sweet-" My stalling on answering the question was interrupted when a raven haired girl walked up behind me.

"Lauren!" Saved by my best friend, everyone's attention turned to the girl leaning on my shoulder.

"You know we love you guys so so so much, but we have an interview today so we gotta go, pictures and hugs?" Lauren said politely, flashing a perfect smile.

After finishing up with the fans, we left through the back door to avoid any more photo excursions. Lauren gently nudged me, getting my attention.

"Getting questioned huh?" She smirked, I tightened my grip around my suitcase handle. I avoid her gaze, staring intently at the concrete in front of us. Best friend or not I've always been a little intimidated by her.

I nodded and chuckled, "They notice everything."

Dinah seems to choke on thin air in a burst of laughter. Lauren, Normani, and Ally quickly follow. I raise my eyebrows.

"Dude, Camz, I think everyone who watched the show noticed how she went right to you and sang, right to you." The youngest manages to sputter. "You don't even need eagle eye fans to see that."

I can't hide the blush that colors my cheeks.

"Whatever, you guys suck, lets go to this interview." I mumble under my breathe, preparing for a half an hour car ride full of teasing from my best friends.

Sure enough, that's exactly what happened. Me, staring out the window, being forced to endure taunting comments like, "No sex till you're married Mila." "Look how red she is!" and "I hope y/n's brother and his friends are doing the same thing we are."

As soon as we pulled to a stop I flew out of the car, getting as far from my bandmates as I could. I love them to death but holy shit. My feet slammed into the tile as I hit the inside of the building, stopping to catch my breath. Management dragged the other girls and myself up into the radio booth.

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