7. You

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I tapped the end call button on my screen, and leaned back on the couch. A small smile tugs at my lips, could she actually come tonight? The thought of seeing those beautiful brown eyes set my heart on fire.

Wait, she doesn't have my phone number. I brought my hand to my forehead, nice going idiot. I'll have to message her on twitter. Opening the twitter app, I breathe out, why am I nervous? I type Camila's username into the search bar and tap her profile.

I smile again, she changed her profile picture. She's so gorgeous, wait, focus y/n. I click the option to message her and open up a new conversation.

"Hello there beautiful, I was in the midst of texting you when I realized I don't have your phone number. So here's mine, answer when you can and I'll give you the concert details. Y/P/N" I finished typing the message and sent it off. Running a hand through my hair, I stand up to open the door, letting Calum tumble inside.

"Ow." The older boy groans, gently rubbing a spot on his head. I chuckle, kissing it lightly.

"You still hungry?" I ask, pushing past him into the kitchen. I feel a weight pull on the hood of my jacket. Calum walks behind me, keeping his loose but firm grip on my clothing.

"Always am." He mumbles. (a/n Okay I may be into girls, but I'll always have a soft spot for cuddly sleepy Calum.)

"Of course." I laugh, opening the fridge and pulling out a banana for the older boy. Tossing the fruit to him as I flop down onto the couch. My phone buzzes in my pocket at the exact same second the banana hits Calum's face. I can't help but laugh.

I slip my phone from my pocket and see a message from an unknown number.

"Hey there gorgeous, this is Camila and I would honestly love to see the show tonight." The message reads. My heart skips a couple beats. I press the phone to my chest and look up at the ceiling, smiling to myself.

By this time Calum has picked up and peeled the banana, studying me silently.

"What do you want." I mumble jokingly, throwing a pillow at his head. He quirks an eyebrow, catching the pillow with his free hand.

"You're so adorable when you're crushing." He says around a mouthful of banana. I blush even harder if that was possible.

"I'm not crushing." I mutter, wow, even I don't believe me. Calum laughs, nearly choking on his fruit.

"Tell that to your bright red face." He shoots back playfully.

"So are the girls coming to the show tonight?" Calum asks, as I shove my face into the couch. I turn my phone back over and send Camila the details for the show.

"Hopefully." I say quietly, standing up and walking into the back. I wrap my hand around the neck of the acoustic guitar sitting there. Picking it up I carry it back to Calum, who tilts his head. What a puppy.

"You know how you guys have recorded a few songs for the next album?" I say, plucking at the strings to warm up my fingers. Calum nods.

"I have an idea for a new one." I say quietly, flipping my hair back behind my ear. Calum stares at me intently, silently begging me to continue.

"Could you help me?" I ask, looking up at the boy in front of me. He smiles, pumping his fist.

"I'd love to." Calum finally answers, "What do you have so far?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure I want to call it Vapor."

A few hours later, I set the guitar back down. I raise my arms to stretch the aching muscles. Calum yawns, snuggling his face into the sweater he designed.

"I love this song, I can't believe we actually finished it." I say quietly, playing the chords we had come up with.

"Well, when you have people like you and I working together, it's pretty easy." The aussie says, kicking me gently.

Suddenly, Ashton burst through the door. His hair in complete disarray.

"Woah, calm down Irwin." Calum says, holding his hands out as if to stop him from going any further.

"Guys, Fifth Harmony is here, the show starts in thirty minutes lets go!" Ashton nearly yells. I shoot up, sprinting into the back to change. I opt for a red and black flannel over a white tank, with grayish back jeans and my favorite white converse. I throw on a little eyeliner and dash out of the bus door.

When I get into backstage I see Calum hasn't changed out of his sweater but he did throw on a pair of skinny jeans instead of his joggers. I climb onto his back before he notices I'm there. A squeak leaves his lips and I almost let myself drop from laughing so hard.

"Oh it's you, you asshole." He mumbles, putting his hands under my thighs to support me. My brother walks out, messing with his earpiece while simultaneously talking to Michael. Ashton was doing push ups in the corner to warm up his arms, he is the drummer after all.

I nuzzle my head into Calum's neck and breathe in his cologne. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck. I'd be lying if I said Calum wasn't my best friend, he'd always been there for me, from me coming out, or for something as silly as opening the pickle jar when I couldn't.

I was pulled from my thoughts when the boy I was currently clinging to started to spin in circles. I squealed, wrapping my legs even tighter around his waist.

"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." I said in between laughs. This only made Calum spin faster, we continued to act like four year olds until I heard a giggle from somewhere in the room. I guess Calum heard it too because he stopped spinning.

That was too feminine to be any of the boys, Calum slowly turned, until I saw the girl that had been lingering in my thoughts since the day before. I slipped off Calum's back, taking in every inch of her beautiful face.

"Hey Y/N." She says gently, taking a few steps forward, four girls seemed to materialize behind her. Have they been there the whole time?

"Hi Camila." I breathe out, unsure of what to do, until she pulled me into a hug. Oh my god, I quickly reacted and wrapped my arms around her waist as she had hers around my shoulders. Camila smells really fucking good wow. I pull away, slightly sad it had to end.

I quickly hug the other girls, none of them felt as good as Camila's.

"Sorry you had to see that." I chuckle, nodding toward Calum, who waves like the puppy he is.

Camila giggles, oh my god I want to hear that again, "No it was actually really cute." I blush unintentionally.

Luke, Ashton, and Michael walk up behind me. They all greet the girls respectfully, although I see Ashton's eyes linger on Ally a little longer than normal. Hmm, I'll have to tease him about this later.

"As much as we'd love to watch everyone talk, we have a show to do." Michael says, sounding close to rude. Luke scoffs, shoving his friends shoulder.

"Don't be spiteful just because my baby sister is getting more female attention than you are Mr. Clifford." Luke spits out. He then turns back to the rest of us, who are chuckling.

"I'm sorry ladies, but we do have to go now, there are five seats in the front reserved for you guys. Dave'll get you there safely." He says respectfully, nodding towards the security guard by the door.

The girls all thank him and turn around to walk to the audience. Camila turns around suddenly, and pulls me close to press her lips to my cheek.

"Good Luck." She says quietly with a smile, and turns around to go sit down. I feel my skin heat up, and bring my fingers to touch the place on my cheek she had kissed.

This should be an interesting show.


I know I know I'm such a horrible person for making you guys wait again but school sucks. I love how this story is going and it's all planned out so stay with me babes. Love you xx

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