21. Camila

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Running my thumb over my girlfriend's hand, I snuggle closer to her side. Inhaling her scent, I feel my eyes start to droop. We've been at this party for a few hours now, and after a couple more songs on the dance floor, we'd retired to the couch in the lounge. Y/n was focused on a conversation with Lauren, who was dancing on the edge of having too much to drink.

"You two are cute together." Lauren slurs, balancing a glass between her fingers. Y/n chuckles and leans down to press a kiss to my forehead.

"She's the cute one." My girlfriend murmurs, pulling me into her side. I wrap my hand in the material of her shirt, taking a deep breathe.

"You're both fucking adorable." Lauren mumbles, dropping onto the lounge seat instead of the armrest she had previously claimed. This elicits another laugh from y/n.

"Thank you Lauren." Y/n giggles, in the position I'm in I can hear her heart beating. It's one of the most calming things I've ever listened to. I'm at a party surrounded by drunk celebrities, and all it takes is the sound of my girlfriend's heartbeat to make me feel at home. She is home.

"Y/n." I murmur, looking up sleepily. She looks down at me, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Yes love." Y/n answers, running a thumb over the top of my hand. I sigh, shifting positions so I can press a light kiss to her lips. 

"I'm tired." I mumble, pulling back maybe half an inch. The taller girl leans her forehead onto mine.

"Well than we should go, It's late anyways. I'll go get the others, okay baby?" My girlfriend says softly, moving to get up. I tighten my grip on her shirt, not wanting her to go.

"Don't go." I say quietly, clinging on to her. Y/n sighs, giggling slightly. 

"Mila if you're tired we should go, and that requires me getting up." The words sound far away, I'm starting to fall asleep. I know this, and y/n seems to know as well. "I'll text the other girls." She murmurs, settling back onto the couch and slipping her phone from her pocket. I smile, curling into her side again.

By the time we round up all the other girls, it's been half an hour, and I've somehow managed to stay awake. Y/n's carrying me, bridal style, out to the bus.

"Do you have to go?" I whine, pressing an affectionate kiss to her neck. My girlfriend sighs, looking at the four girls trailing behind us.

"I guess you guys do need a babysitter..." She teases, biting her lip happily. My heart skips a couple beats, realizing I'll get to sleep next to her again. My bandmates groan, continuing to hang behind the two of us. 

"You guys are gonna fuck and we'll be up all night." Lauren complains, pointing at the two of us accusingly. I roll my eyes, hiding my face in the crook of y/n's neck. Y/n laughs loudly, kicking open the door to the tour bus.

"That's unlikely," Y/n quips, "I'm not very loud, this one on the other hand."

"Hey! I'm not loud." I argue, suddenly much more awake. All of the girls groan, shaking their heads. My girlfriend included.

"Baby I could have you moaning in under a minute." Y/n chuckles, carrying me up the small set of stairs. My eyes widen, I slap her shoulder gently.

"Not to mention she's done it before." Dinah chips in, pointing at y/n and then back to me.

"Yeah, one bite and you were a mess." Lauren says loudly, starting to unstrap her heels. I can feel all the blood in my body start to rush toward my cheeks. My jaw drops. I shake my head, trying to hide in the crook of Y/n's neck. 

"I hate you all." I mumble, bouncing slightly as Y/n gently walks up the bus steps. I close my eyes again, wanting nothing more than to never leave where I am right now. Sadly, that's not gonna happen. Y/n slowly, but gently, sets me onto the couch in the lounge and walks to the bunks. No doubt looking for the set of clothes she'd left here previously. I follow suite, changing into a pair of pajama pants and one of my girlfriend's hoodies. 

As I sleepily trudge back towards my bunk, I see y/n already cuddled up in the blankets. Sweet girl, she tried to wait for me but just couldn't make it. Climbing into the bunk, I pull my girlfriends body closer and fit myself against her front. In her sleep she throws an arm over my side, hugging me tighter. A subconscious smile creeps along my lips.

"Oh and baby, as for the loud thing. It's completely fine by me, I love hearing you." Y/n murmurs sleepily. I feel blood rush to my face, having forgotten about my previous teasing.

"Well good, cause it's a little hard to keep quiet when a sexy girl is doing even sexier things." I mumble, purposefully pressing my butt into her center. I hear Y/n audibly groan, lightly digging her nails into my skin.

"Watch it Cabello." She mumbles, obviously falling back asleep. I giggle, exhaling quietly. She's mine. The beautiful girl holding me right now, she's mine. Mine to kiss, mine to hug, mine to love. That's pretty damn amazing if I do say so myself. 


I love you I'm sorry don't hate me for not updating for a while. I'm definitely not saying I'll get better about updating but maybe a little bit. Be on the lookout for a new story later, if any of you still pay attention to my account. Love you xx

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