22. Camila

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It had been a few days since the party, and the pictures were everywhere. It wasn't exactly the coming out y/n and I had imagined, but it still got the job done I guess. I continued to stroll down the sidewalk happily, my girlfriend and I hadn't seen each other in a couple days but that was about to change. We had yet another day to ourselves and y/n and I had chosen to use it to spend time together. 

Y/n hadn't given me any solid directions as to where to find her, the only hints I received were, "Keep along the path until you hear my voice." Extremely vague I know, but I was alright with it. I had only been walking for a few minutes and I knew that if I couldn't find her myself, y/n would come looking for me. 

The cool air blew my hair back and I lick my lips in an attempt to wet them. Soon enough I swear I can hear the soft strumming of a guitar, I smile, found her. I follow the sound and within the next few moments I hear the beautiful sound of my girlfriends voice. I've never heard the song before, but I can hear the happiness woven into her lyrics.

"Cause everytime I turn around,

I'm back down to one.

Tell me why it feels like I am still on the run."

Yep, there she is. I can see the back of a maroon and black letterman jacket and I know it's my girlfriend.

"I need some good news baby,

feels like the world's gone crazy.

Give me some good news baby,

give it to me, give it to me."

"Hey beautiful," I shout, causing her head to turn. An even bigger smile spreads across her perfect face, giving me a glimpse of her shining white teeth. Y/n continues to sing and play her guitar, but walks towards me as well.

"I need some good news baby,

cause all the world's gone crazy. 

I need some good news baby,

give it to me, give it to me."

I can't help but laugh as the taller girl comes closer and closer. I push back my hair with one hand and continue to stare and smile. I love the vibe of the song, and it's obviously an original.

"I've been holding back,

when our eyes should be falling free.

But it's not having faith,

just believe in what you can't see.

And I'm still looking for something to get me out of my seat,

something that's true?

What can I do?"

Y/n is arms reach away from me now, swaying back and forth with her acoustic guitar in hand. I bite my lip teasingly, watching as her happy expression flickers into something much more interesting. Y/n rolls her eyes quickly and continues singing.

"Cause everytime I turn around,

I'm back down to one.

Tell me why it feels like I am still on the run.

I need some good news baby,

feels like the world's gone crazy.

Give me some good news baby,

give it to me, give it to me."

"You're my good news babygirl," Y/n murmurs, swinging her guitar around her body until it rests on her back. I can't help myself, I reach out and grab the collar of her jacket. I pull her lips to mine, and only then do I feel content. Y/n's hands slip to my waist, gripping my hips. I pull back to look into her shining eyes, and I can't keep from smiling.

"I missed you." I mumble against her lips, relishing the feeling of my body against hers. Y/n doesn't say anything but reconnects our lips. She tastes like strawberries and bananas, a deadly combination. The kiss starts to become heated and I make the decision to stop, because we are in public after all. 

"I missed you too." Y/n says smiling, she pulls me into her embrace. I wrap my arms around her neck and nuzzle my head into her shoulder. I pull back from the hug and take in her full appearance. Her hair is pulled into a perfectly messy ponytail, there's a black t-shirt underneath her letterman, and her lightwash skinny jeans go well with the black converse laced on her feet. As far as my outfit goes it was one of my girlier days, in my black long sleeve shirt and plaid schoolgirl skirt. I had put that phase of my wardrobe behind me, but I know y/n has a thing for schoolgirl skirts so I figured, why not revive it? 

We spend a few hours strolling around the park hand in hand, y/n had set down her guitar by the fountain despite my aversion to the idea. What if someone stole it? Y/n had only waved her hand dismissively, saying that she trusted people. 

My girlfriend and I were in the middle of a very heated argument about breakfast foods when my phone started to ring in the waistband of my skirt. I slipped it from the elastic and looked at y/n apologetically. She gave me a gentle nod, letting me know it was okay to pick up the phone. I swipe my thumb across the bottom of the screen and raise the device to my ear.

"It's Camila," I say politely, wondering who would call me on my day off. 

"Hey baby it's Shawn." (Okay, don't get me wrong. I love Shawn and I know he's a sweet lil nugget but for this fic he's gonna be an asshole, cool? okay.)

I roll my eyes in annoyance, earning a worried glance from my girlfriend. Laying a sweet facade over my voice, I greet him. "Hi Shawn, what do you need?" 

"My manager wants us to get the single recorded asap, he's already spoken with yours as well." His uncharacteristically raspy voice informs me. I bite my lip, even though Fifth Harmony's success was skyrocketing our manager wanted somebody to pull some type of publicity stunt. Such as release a single with another artist. Naturally I was chosen, considering nobody expected I would do something like that. The song "Bad Things," was alright. It was very sexual considering the usual style of my duet partner and his more than obvious attraction to me.

"Alright, I'll see what I can do." I mumble, hitting the end call button abruptly. Y/n had taken to watching the way my lips moved as I spoke to Shawn. I wave my hand in front of her glassy eyes to regain her attention.

"Earth to y/n." I giggle, letting my hand fall back to my side. My girlfriend looks up smiling, meeting my gaze.

"Hey pretty girl, did I hear something about a single?" She inquires, raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to release a single with Shawn Mendes sometime soon." I mumbled, throwing random glances around the park, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. Y/n's eyes widen, "You mean the eighteen year old sex symbol Shawn Mendes?"

I nod, I didn't expect to get such a reaction from her. It had never even crossed my mind to tell y/n. She bites her lip unhappily, taking both my hands in hers.

"I'm guessing that this is gonna stay true to his particular style?" She asks, already knowing the answer. I nod again, looking at her apologetically. I see her eyebrows furrow in concentration.

"I don't know how comfortable I am with this Cami, you're singing about sex with a boy who obviously wants you." Y/n has a point, Shawn has never been lowkey about the fact that he wants me. I would never go after someone like him though, especially now that I have this angel not two feet from me.

"I promise baby, there's no reason to be jealous." I say, slowly leaning closer and closer to my girlfriend. "I love it when you call me that." Y/n breathes out slowly, connecting our lips softly. We stay like that for a few moments, kissing slowly on the edge of a fountain with cool air blowing all around us. I'm not worried, I would never do anything to hurt y/n. 

All I have to do now is make sure old Shawnie boy keeps his hormones in check.


oh my goD AN UPDATE????

I swear I'm not dead guys, just really busy. Between softball, school, and my girlfriend I'm booked. I'll try and update as often as I can but I make no promises as to how many times or far apart those updates may come. Stick with me guys.

Love you, xx.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2016 ⏰

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