17. You

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It had only been a couple days since I'd seen Camila, seemed like years if I'm being completely honest. I miss her, I miss her so much. It's so strange how quickly we got attached to each other. I've never become so emotionally invested in someone in such a short amount of time before. The thought of us moving too fast had crossed my mind before, I mean, we had only known each other for a little over a week. Although, we had been talking non-stop since we'd exchanged numbers. The fact I couldn't officially call her mine yet was killing me, but I just didn't want to rush into anything. 

I guess I finally know what those two in the morning thoughts are like, as I laid in my bunk. I stare blankly at the wood above me, there's no way I'm sleeping right now. I know that for sure. I feel around my bed for my phone, and when I find it, I waste no time to open it. I want to know if Camila's awake, but I don't want to text her and possibly wake her if she's not. If I wake her up, she'll refuse to sleep again, and I care too much about her health to let her do that again.

I log onto twitter and search for Camila's profile, then I look at her likes. The last one was tweeted two minutes ago, my heart jumps a little. She's awake, I can text her. I shut down twitter and turn down my brightness, the light coming from the tiny screen nearly blinding me. I open my messages and the first conversation that comes up is Camila and I's. I type out a quick message and hit send.

[Me- 2:32 a.m.] Hey beautiful, just wanted to let you know that I haven't stopped thinking about you. xx

I lock my phone again, I guess I must've hit the silent button again, because I hear a click as my phone shuts off. A few moments later, I hear a shuffle from close by, and my curtain is drawn open. 

"Ashton?" I murmur sleepily, staring at the boy now beside me.

"That's me." Ashton's voice rings out raspily, he rubs his eyes and looks at me questioningly. "What are you still doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." My voice is rough from not having spoken for a while, and from the show that ended almost five hours ago. Why the fuck is Ashton still up, he's such a heavy sleeper. Not as bad as Michael or Dinah, but still pretty bad.

"You answer first." The older boy chuckles, shifting on his feet. I laugh, letting my head fall back against my pillow, the very faint scent of Camila still lingering there.

"Thinkin." I answer shortly, closing my eyes and cuddling into my blanket. Ashton giggles, his cute little giggle.

"Bout what?" He answers dorkily, smiling his big goofy smile. I shake my head.

"Can I ask you something?" I murmur, looking into his eyes. He suddenly becomes very serious, looking at me in a way that almost reads as concerned. Ashton nods, pursing his lips. I sigh.

"Do you think Camila and I are taking things too fast? I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I'm terrified that we'll move too quickly, stumble, and break. I don't want that with Camila, she's not like anyone I've ever met before. The last thing I want is to hurt the person I'm falling for." I let the words fly, let them hang in the air. Ashton looks at me blankly for a second, and my stomach ties itself into knots.

He opens his mouth slowly, and starts to speak. "Well, it's obvious how much you both care for each other already. You treat her like an absolute princess and the way she looks at you is just, wow. The truth is y/n," He stops to take a breathe, "you aren't ever going to feel like there is a right time. No matter how little or long you wait. If you're sure of yourself then go for it." Ashton finishes his little speech and looks back up at me.

I start to open my mouth, but Ashton holds up a hand to silence me. 

"and, if you haven't noticed, you just said you were falling for her." The older boy says with a smirk, I run through my confession, and realize that in the midst of all my emotion, I'd finally admitted something that had been buried deep in the back of my mind. I am falling for her. I am falling for Camila Cabello. It scares me a little bit, but it makes me happier to know that it feels right. Saying it out loud. I've been going out of my mind for this girl, and now I'm just wasting time.

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