19. Camila

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"Dinah you know I don't like parties." I groan, pouting my lips like a child. Dinah just waves me off, continuing to mess with and style my hair. One Direction was holding a party for all their friends in honor of their new album coming out soon. All their 'friends' usually means a whole house full of celebrities, and said celebrities friends. So if you had a friend who knew a One Direction member, you could get in easily enough. I have to admit, those boys can throw a party.

"I know chanch, but your girlfriend is gonna be there." Dinah is trying her hardest to convince me to go with her, and using y/n was a low move, but it worked.

"Fine." I mumble, crossing my arms over my chest. I'd only been y/n's official girlfriend as of yesterday, and it really hadn't set in yet.  The boys of One Direction hadn't invited Fifth Harmony until a day or so ago, good thing we had a couple days off starting today. 5 Seconds of Summer however, was on the last day of their few day break. Dinah does a little victory dance, and runs into the lounge. Rolling my eyes, I lean against the wall and wait for the younger one to come back. 

When Dinah does return she's holding my white stussy top, which hugs my chest but ends a few inches before my waistline. It would show my abs, but I'm okay with that because ever since we started rehearsing this tour they had become much more pronounced. In her other hand is my pair of black low rise skinny jeans, which are ripped at both knees. It was clear she was trying to show off my stomach, but like I said before I'm fine with that. 

Not saying a word, Dinah tosses the outfit at me and ducks back into the  lounge. I shake my head and chuckle, stripping out of y/n's sweatshirt and tossing it aside. Once I'm completely changed, Dinah comes back, as if on cue. In her hand is a pair of nude heels, which buckle around the ankle twice. I wear them everytime I can't wear my converse.

"You ready Walz? The other girls are waiting in the car, probably wondering why you took so long." Dinah chuckles, pushing me out the bus door. I scoff, letting myself be shoved around by the younger girl. I draw my hand to my pocket, checking to see if I have my phone. I do, when I finally climb into the car, the other three girls are there. Dinah jogs to the other side of the car and sits in the back next to Normani.

"We need to talk." Ally says seriously. Oh god, I'll bet I know what this is about. Lauren signals the driver, and he starts the car. Taking us to some random club in LA I guess. I nod, looking at each girls face in turn. Lauren was right next to me, and out of nowhere she pulls some makeup out of her bag. Pulling my face closer, she goes to work on the faded eyeliner and eye shadow from this morning.

"You probably know by now that your girlfriend is gonna be there," Ally starts, I turn my had slightly to look at the oldest of the group. Lauren slaps me lightly, making me look back at her. I hum in response, pouting at Lauren.

"You're gonna be very tempted to-" I choke on thin air, I knew where this was going before she ever opened her mouth. Dinah starts laughing, causing Normani to burst into a fit of laughter as well. I blush unbelievably red, avoiding everyone's eyes. Lauren's were a bit of a challenge, since she was maybe a foot from me. 

"Ally, I'm not going to fuck her. At least not tonight." I mumble the last part, not meaning for anyone to hear. Apparently, Lauren does. Causing her to drop the eyeliner onto the car seat. Ally looks confused, while everyone else seems to have figured out what I said. After another round of laughing, we're already at the club. Holy shit we were that close, oh well. There are paps swarming the door already, well it did start half an hour ago. The girls and I hop out of the car and damn near sprint inside. As soon as we get inside, we're swarmed with people.

I struggle my way through the crowd of already tipsy celebrities and make my way to the bar. I don't plan on drinking alcohol, I just want some water. Brushing my hair out of my eyes, I spot a very nice looking girl by the bar. My girlfriend to be exact. I start to walk over but then I notice she's not alone. There's another girl in front of her, much too close for my liking. So close their hips are practically touching. I stop, jealousy firing through my chest. I'm about to go break this girl's nose, but then I decide to take a more calm route. I avoid y/n's gaze, which was easy because I'm behind her, and stand close enough to hear their conversation.

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