Chapter 6

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"I have to really thank God above for allowing me to live... despite being in an 'accident', I'm still breathing and I'm still very much alive but..." Miyu stopped on her tracks and looked up at the skies,

"But why do I have to live with a moron?!" she shrugged as she remembered Yamada Ryosuke.

Miyu just wouldn't get what kind of attitude that Yamada Ryosuke has. She thinks he's just someone who's so full of himself when he is actually just a fool. He doesn't have to make an effort to ruin her day, because just seeing his face is enough to ruin it.

"Good thing his parents are very kind..." Miyu said to herself again as she continued walking.

More than 10 minutes had passed when Miyu realized that she wasn't going anywhere near the school. As she surveyed her whereabouts, all she was able to see were piles of cherry blossom petals scattered all around and tall cherry blossom trees that almost covers the pathway.

"I'm sure I never passed by here when Yamada-sensei showed me the way to school..." Miyu thought as she looked back from where she came from and tried to figure out which way to go.

"I am so gonna be late on my first day... Ugh. Such luck." Miyu sighed and walked back to where she came from.

She was still trying to find her way to school when someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth, and she was too stunned to even blink her eye.  


"Yama-chan~" Yamada didn't need to open his eyes to know who was there, he just smiled before lifting his hand with a notebook towards the person who was calling him.

"You're really mean..." Chinen said as he grabbed the notebook and took a sit.

Ryosuke then lifted his head and looked at Chinen who was pouting while writing something in the notebook.

"She's a mouthful, Chii... Take her home."

Chinen looked at him blankly, as if asking what he was talking about. Then he mouthed a low 'Oh' when Ryosuke just kept quiet.

"I'm sorry Yama-chan, I still can't. Just give me a few more weeks then I might be able to get Nee-chan to believe me..."

When Ryosuke just sighed, Chinen immediately stopped what he was doing and looked at Ryosuke intently,

"Alright, what's wrong?"

Ryosuke sighed again before speaking,

"She's hard-headed. She doesn't listen to me. She's not scared of me, and she doesn't even like me! And one more thing..."

Ryosuke sighed for the nth time then, and Chinen still remained silent, just looking at him.

"She's so darn beautiful, Chii."

"WHAT??" Chinen's eyes grew wide at that. Yeah, he knew Miyu is beautiful but thinking that Ryosuke is worried because of that is really something else.

"You're being like that because she's beautiful? Wait don't tell me you're--"

"OH HELL NO!!! I am most definitely not falling for that chick!" Ryosuke yelled and stood up in a panic, this made his classmates glance at him with curiosity.

"Ah... Gomen minna~" he said, making a peace sign and smiling wide at his dumbfounded classmates.

"You know, you're being too obvious..." Chinen mumbled. Then he continued answering the questions in Ryosuke's notebook.

"But really... That wasn't even close to what I was supposed to ask." Chinen looked up at Ryosuke seriously.

"You're scared that she won't succumb to your charms, aren't you? All this time you've used to manipulating or controlling people, especially girls, with just your charms and looks... But with Miyu, it doesn't work. And you're scared that it might not go according to your plans and that it'll end up the other way around."

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