It's Complicated

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"What's with you?" My best friend asks as we walk down the hall, "you never go for guys like him? Why do you suddenly change?"

"I'm not sure," I responded strongly, "I find him...intriguing."


She's a normal girl. She gets average grades in school and is always involved. She tries to help people in every way she can, she even does tutoring once in a while.

He's a high school football player, the popular guy. He does okay in school but struggles sometimes. And of course, he's kind of a player.
But he doesn't like to hurt people, especially girls. He just has a hard time being in a real relationship.

So what happens when these two opposites cross paths in the world known as high school?


So you came across my book? Well I hope you like it! 

Read my other books,

The Girl I've Been Waiting For

The Boy Next Door

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