A Bit of Blush

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I can't believe that I have to tutor Jenson Right.

It's funny to think that Mr. Perfect needs help in school. But being the amazing person I am, I accepted the offer to help the oh so godly Jenson.

Which he is godly. You'd be lying to deny that.

The way is hair always looks so perfect and his beautiful-
What I am even saying!

I hate this guy.

Anyway, I have to tutor him. In all honesty, I don't know how I feel about tutoring him.

Can I let you in on a little secret?

I've always had a little crush on Jenson Right. Since the first time I had seen him, I always did.

Of course he didn't know who I was. Didn't even know my name.

But I still liked him. His cheeky personality, the way his face lit up when he smiled. I always wanted to be the reason his face lit up like that.

I know. Cliché.

But for a sappy romantic like me, it's normal.

So when I found out I would be tutoring my long time crush, I was...iffy on how I felt.

He's known as a player and that's the only thing that really has me this way.

"Braelynn, let's get started!" Jenson says to me.

Bringing myself out of my thoughts, I look around me and we've pulled up in front of a house.

"Is this your house?" I ask him.

"Yep," he takes in a deep breath, "and my moms home."

I didn't know what he meant so I just brushed his comment off.

We climbed out of the car and headed for the front door.

As we walked into the house, Jenson  acted odd. He was very quiet.

"Jenson? Are you home honey?"

His body immediately stilled and his shoulders slumped. 

"Yeah mom, it's me." He said with a sigh.

A woman walked around the corner of the door way. She was wearing nice formal clothes, a white button down shirt tucked into a black pencil skirt. "Who's this young lady, darling?" She asked her son.

"This is Braelynn mother, she's helping me in history. We're going to go to my room now and study."

Jenson grabbed my wrist in an attempt to pull me away from his mom but she put a hand on his shoulder, successfully stopping him.

"Not so fast mister!" She muttered as he turned around to face her, "It's very nice to meet you Braelynn. I'm Lily, and on behalf of Jenson, I would like you to stay for dinner tonight."

Stunned by Lily's sudden offer I opened my mouth and closed it a couple times, probably looking like a dumb fish.

"Yeah mom she'll stay." Jenson answered for me, then grabbed my hand and pulled me up a tall flight of stairs.

Well that was awkward I thought to myself.

"Sorry about my mom," Jenson broke the silence as we walked into his rather large bedroom.

"She's a little off."

"It's fine." I quietly replied as I looked around his room. He had a flat screen tv in the corner of his room with two bean bags set in front of it. In the middle of the room against the wall, was his large king sized bed. On another wall was a desk and a shelf filled with books and another with trophies. The opposite wall had two doors. Most likely leading to a walk-in closet and a bathroom.

"Nice room" I said plopping down in on of the bean bags.

"Thanks" he muttered under his breath, "let's get started. Yeah?"

We both grabbed our history books from our bags and started our study session.

2 hours and a lot of explaining later, we put our books away and walked downstairs.

"Hello kids!" Lily said as we appeared in the kitchen.

We both gave a quick "hi" and I helped Jenson set the table.

Soon enough we were sitting at the table eating delicious food that Lily cooked.

"This is delicious Mrs. Right!" I told her as I shoved another spoonful of mashed potatoes in my mouth.

"Why thank you dear." She said back.

Their wasn't much conversation as we all tried to stuff our faces.

"Well, I'm going to take Braelynn home now, I'll be home in a bit." Jenson told his mother after we finished dinner.

She gave a slight nod with her head and we were out the door.

Jenson didn't make conversation on the drive, and neither did I.

As we pulled in front of my house I quickly got out of the car.

"Goodnight Brae." Jenson said as I got out.

I leaned my head down to look at him. Leaning into the car I gave him a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my book bag from the floor.

I looked up to see he had a light blush on his cheeks.

He's so cute!

"Goodnight Right."

And with that I shut the door and walked to my front porch.

This is the start of something very interesting...

When I walked into my bedroom I couldn't help but totally fan girl over the guy.

What can I say. I'm a cliche type of girl.

My mom walked into my room and gave me a suspicious look and a small grin.

"What's got you so happy?" She asked with a slight laugh in her voice.

"Nothing mother!" I say getting off of my bed and spinning and dancing around her, "absolutely nothing!"

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