Hold Me

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Another week of tutoring Jenson has gone by and I have to say that I don't really mind tutoring him anymore.

I'm really getting to know him and it turns out that he is super sweet and he's a lot more than just a pretty face around school.

We've learned each others fears, each other's likes, and some much other stuff.

For some reason I feel like I can really open up to Jenson and it seems like he feels the same way about me.

Jenson was comfort to me.

He made me feel like I was safe.

I often find myself drifting off and thinking about him.

My friends have noticed a difference to but they haven't figured out what it is.

They're always having to bring me out of my thoughts. Thoughts that are almost always filled with Jenson Right. It seems no matter how hard I try to get him off my mind, I'm never able too.

Now like I said before, I've always kind of had a crush on the guy. But now that I've gotten to know him and see more than just his golden boy facade, I'd say I have a very strong liking towards him.

So now as I'm walking home from school, I again find my thoughts drifting off to a certain football player.

But even in my thoughts I don't fail to notice the car that's been slowly moving down the other side of the street.

I turn the corner to my house and out of the corner of my eye I see the car turn to.

I pick up my pace a little and as I do I no longer see the car and relief floods over me.

Maybe they weren't following me.

But that soon is gone when a deep voice calls my name.

I turn around to look into the eyes of Tommy Black.

Tommy is a guy that I've never once talked to. I didn't even know he knew my name.

Well, he is on the football team, Jenson is probably one of his friends.

"Um hi Tommy." I say in an awkward way.

His eyes are soft as he looks at me.

"Hi" he says back.

"Um I have to go home but it was nice seeing you." I turn back around to continue my walk only to be stopped and a hand grabbing my wrist.

I turn back around to look at Tommy and when I do he's different.   His eyes are cold and staring at me.

He tightens his grip on my wrist so much that it begins to be painful.

"Tommy stop you're hurting me!" I whimper.

He doesn't say anything but pulls me forward smashing his lips to mine.

I'm shocked at first but soon that shock is gone and I push way.

"Tommy stop!" I yell but he doesn't listen.

When I pushed him, his grip loosened on my wrist and so I'm able to escape and I run.

However, I don't get far before arms wrap around my waist and lift me off the ground.

I kick and scream for the person to let me down but it doesn't work.

"Shh Brae shh it okay. It's just me shh you're safe. It's okay I'm here now." The man holding me says.

I immediately relax to the voice recognizing it as Jenson since he's the only person who calls me Brae.

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