Intimidating Little Bitch

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School. Was gay. Like extremely gay.

Wanna know the worst part?

Well first:

Kate decided to stick her tongue down my throat in the middle of the hall way.

Like I get that you have a thing for me and all but I only wanted to fuck you one time.

Like does the bitch not get the message?

I know that I sound like a total ass and all but I'm not.

When I sleep with a girl I make sure she knows it's a one time thing and maybe one more - if you're lucky.

Being the football captain does have its perks.

I mean I have an amazing body plus a good face. And of course, the status.

That's probably why I can't have a real relationship with a girl.

They only want me for my reputation.

Everyone wants to date the bad boy, Mr. Popular, or a guy on the football team right?

Well I am on the football team.

Anyway, back to the point.

Number 2 that makes my life horrible.

I need a tutor for history.

Fucking yay.

Not really.

And I'm getting tutored by some girl I don't even know.

Can't even remember her name. Isn't this exciting.

So now it's the end of the day and I'm going to meet my tutor.

I walk into the class room and I see a very attractive girl sitting in a desk.

"Oh Braelynn, the boy you're going to be tutoring is here!" My history teacher, Mrs. Black says.

So that's her name. Braelynn. Pretty! Fits her.

When she turns around, her reaction defiantly not what I expected.

She frowns.

Girls don't frown when it comes to me!

Girls smile. They drool over me!

Well this girl is strange...

"Jenson." Braelynn says with distaste.

Damn this girl must really not like me.

"Braelynn." I say with more excitement then distaste. Not what I was going for.

She stands up and brushes straight by me as she goes out the door.

"We're starting today so if you want to pass senior year, and not get benched during your games, I suggest you get your ass moving."

Damn! This girl be feisty.

Jenson likes. (Insert smirk face)

"Damn Sugar Lips, want to take me home already?" I ask, my tone laced with sarcasm as I tease her.

She immediately stops and spins around to face me.

She's short compared to me, but damn must I say, for short, she's intimidating as hell.

"Listen here Jenson. You may be the captain of the football team. You may be a popular guy. You may be insanely attractive. You may have girls falling over you. But me, well, I'm not an idiot. So let me tutor you and teach you shit so that I can get through this year without having to look at you again."

Damn girl.

"So, you think I'm insanely attractive?" I ask her with a smirk on my face.

"Yeah. I'm not going to deny that. I can think you're attractive, doesn't mean I like you," well that hurts a little, "hope I popped the bubble that contains that over sized ego you have."

She sure as hell did. But I'm not going to admit that.

"Intimidating. Let's go get me smart."

"Thank fucking God. Maybe you do have sense." And with her bitchy response, we walk out of the building.

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