Baby Problems (AU)

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Hey! I'm not dead! Thanks to all my readers who are reading this story even though it's terrible. Just wanted thank everyone who voted for this story. thank u guys so, so much! Well, i have hmwrk to do and I'm getting boring now so, on to the story!

    Having Nico as your boyfriend was hard. Having him as your husband? Even worse. He asked for your hand in marriage after 4 years of dating. Of course you said yes, you loved him with all your heart.

Now 1 year into your marriage, you find out your pregnant. You took the news well, you were excited to be a mom. Nico on the other hand, well, let's just say after you told him you were pregnant, you had an unconscious Nico on your living room floor.

You laughed your head of at first, then decided to leave him there, not even bothering to help him out.

~8 months later~

You wake up in the middle of the night to cramps. More like contractions. As moments past, the contractions started getting more frequent, and the pain was unbearable. You knew it was time for the baby to be born so you wake Nico up who was fast asleep  next to you.

"Nico" you whisper.

Nico groans, and mutters a sleepy, "What?!"

"I think its time" you gasp. The pain was getting worse, and you just wanted to get to the hospital.

"Time..time for what?" Nico mutters sleepily once again.

"The baby idiot!! The baby is coming!!" you yell through gritted teeth. You were getting annoyed. You were in pain, needing to go to the hospital, but your stupid husband is still half asleep

Nico groans and looks at you.

"Cant it wait?! Its 1 o'clock in the morning and I want to go back to bed" He argues.

You glare at him.


Grabbing your pillow you hit Nico with all your might while getting up off the bed.

"NO GOOD USE OF A HUSBAND!! WHATS THE USE  OF A PARTNER WHO WON'T EVEN HELP HIS PREGNANT WIFE?!?" You scream. All the while you we're rampaging, you grabbed the bag full of extra clothes for this apparent reason, and planned to drive alone to the hospital.

Nico jumped into action after your little tantrum, running after you once he realised you were in no condition to drive.

"Wait!! Honey I'm sorry, let me help!" Nico called out to you.

"Just get me to the darn hospital before I rip your head off!!" You told him.

He nodded and frantically put you in the car, driving off to the hospital.

~~time skip~~

Nico paces nervously back and forth in the waiting room. You were taken in by the nurses 4 hours ago, yet still nothing. He wanted to be with you all throughout the way, but the nurses told him to stay outside, much to his dismay.

"Mr. Di Angelo?" A voice interrupts Nico from his train of thought. He turns around to the nurse.

"Mrs. Di Angelo is waiting for you in room 312." She informs politely.

Nico gives a quick 'thank you' and walks to your room. 

When he walks in, he sees you, looking as beautiful as ever. You also were carrying a bundle in your arms.

"Hey Nico, come meet your son" you gently tell him.

He ever so cautiously walks to your bed.

"He won't bite Nico. At least not yet. But look, hes got your eyes" you tell him.

He looks down at his newborn son, eyes indeed as obsidian as his father's.

"He's got your (H/C) hair" he finally replies.

"Indeed he does" you chuckle.

"C-Can i hold him?" Nico asks nervously.

"Do you even have to ask?" You retort. You gently place your son into the arms of his father.

"Hes beautiful" Nico whispers, bending to give you a kiss on the for head.

"Whats his name?" He asks.

"Jayden" you reply.

"Jayden. Thats perfect" Nico smiles his rare smiles as he hands Jayden back to you.

A knock at the door interrupts your little moment. A nurse walks in holding another bundle in her arms.

"Here you go Miss. A beautiful baby girl." The nurse says, handing over your daughter to you.

"THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!?!" Nico yells.

"Oh yeah, forgot to mention, we had twins!! Surprise!!" You say.

Nico looks at you before swaying and falling to the floor unconscious. Again.

"Oh boy, not again. Well Leilani," you say, turning towards your daughter,"your going to have to wait a while to meet your daddy. I have a feeling your going to be a MAJOR daddy's girl"

Leilani just looks up at you with (E/C) eyes just like yours and smiles.

"Nurse!! We've got a stupid  on the floor over here!!"


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