Daddy's little girl (AU)

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  Nico di Angelo. The son of Hades. Dark prince. The demigod you were madly in love with. Who is also your husband and father of two twins, Hayden, and Leilani. Oh, how Nico adored his little baby girl. He would shower her with kisses and gifts, much to your dismay. Hayden on the other hand, was more of momma's boy, always clinging to you everywhere you went. Since you and Nico had to work, you guys would leave the kids with your much-loved latino friend, Leo Valdez. He loved the kids and encouraged them to call him Uncle Leo, although it never stuck. On your way to drop off the kids, you see Nico had something on his mind. 

"Something wrong?" you ask. Nico turns to you and reply's with a 'Nothing', then turns back around to look out the window. You frown, but decide to ignore it, moving your eyes back to the road. 

"Momma, are we going with Leo again?" your daughter, Leilani, asks you. 

"Yes baby, just like every other day Mommy and Daddy need to work" you reply with a giggle. 

"Okay, that's good, because I like Leo, he always has fun games to play, and we roast marshmallows all the time. I like him better than Uncle Percy and Aunty Annabeth. They always make us read or color. We not allowed to go outside. It's boring" Your daughter mutters. 

You give a light chuckle before replying, "One time you guys stayed with Percy and Annabeth, and it's like you go there all the time just to suffer. Well don't worry, Leo won't be canceling on us anytime soon" 

After you say this, you hear Nico mutter something along the lines of 'I wish he would' and continues to grumpily look out the window. You raise and eyebrow, pulling into Leo's driveway. 

You all get off of the car just as the door opens to reveal a smirking Leo Valdez. 

"Hola chicos! I was starting to think you guys weren't coming!" Leo exclaimed. Leilani squeals, as she runs over to Leo with open arms. Nico mutters something under his breath as he takes Hayden out of the car. 

"Leo! Leo! I missed you! Can we go play now? Please!" Leilani screams excitedly. 

"We can play after you say goodbye to your parents," Leo says. 

"Okay!" Leilani exclaims as she runs over to give you a kiss on the cheek. She makes her way over to Nico, who has the biggest smile on his face, which quickly diminishes when all he gets is a simple hug. 

"Bye mommy, bye daddy. Love you!" 

"Bye sweety! Be good" You say waving goodbye as you and a grumpy Nico get into the car to go to work. 

~~~Timeskip to Leo and Kids~~~

"And then the princess lived happily ever after with her beloved prince" Leo finishes a story he was telling the kids. Leilani's eyes widen in wonder as Hayden gags and rolls to the floor.

"Oh come on Hayden! Admit it. You will get to have your own princess to live happily ever after with in the future. And Leilani will have her prince" Leo says.

"No, I won't" Leilani states firmly with a glare just like her father's. 

"Oh? And why not?" Leo asks with a smirk. 

"Because my prince is standing right in front of me" She innocently says. This makes Leo stop short and a blush takes over his face. 

"W-Well, I-I-I don't n-no what to s-say" Leo stutters, rubbing the back of his neck. After that was said, a knock at the door was heard, relieving Leo of his predicament. When he opens the door, he's surprised to see Nico standing at the door alone. 

"Wow, you're early," Leo smiles. 

"I know. I came to get Leilani so we can go somewhere. I took the rest of the day off" Nico replies.

"Nice. Well, they're in the living room. I'll go get their bags." Leo says as he walks off to the room, but was stopped short by Nico pulling him back. 

"Just give me Leilani's bag. I talked to Y/N and she'll come and pick up Hayden later. It's just me and my princess today." Nico mutters. 

"Awww. Is wittle Nico jwelous that his pwincess loves me more?" Leo taunts. 

"Watch it Valdez" Nico fumes. Leo raises his arms and walks away to retrieve Leilani and her belongings. Moments later, Leo arrives with a giddy 6-year-old in his arms. 

"Daddy" She exclaims when she sees Nico at the door. Leo hands her over to Nico as she happily complies. 

"Where are we going daddy?" Leilani asks. 

"We are going anywhere you want to love" Nico smiles. 

Leilani's eyes widen into saucers. "Can we go the movies, and then go get ice cream, and-ohh! I want to go the park and go on the swings!" Leilani gushes. 

Nico gapes, but soon replies with a nod of his head, 

"Okay sweetheart, let's get going," Nico says, turning around to leave but was stopped by a certain Latino Elf.

"Hey, no goodbye for your awesome uncle?" Leo asks. 

Leilani giggles and waves goodbye. 

"Bye bye Leo! Love you!" Which earns a glare from Nico after she said this. 

"Daddy?" Leilani asks. 

"Yes, baby girl?" Nico whispers. 

"Can I marry Leo when I get older?" She sweetly asks. 

"Hell no" was the reply as he puts her into her car seat. 

~~~Hey guys!! Sorry for the long wait but I had lots of stuff with school and all. Going to an early college high school really takes up your time. But I managed to write this one shot for you guys!! Hope you liked it!! It was a little sequel from "Baby Problems" that was on my mind and i thought i would write it. Well thanks for reading and vote if you liked!! Bye guys, and ill try to update more often.

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