Stupid mutt

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"Nico, do you have any pets?" You asked your boyfriend one afternoon.

"Um...just a hellhound named Mrs. O'Leary if you want to count her as a pet" He answered.

"Ooohh!! Can I see her!! Pretty please!! I love animals!!" You squeal excitedly.

Nico rolls his eyes, but gets up and shadow travels to the
Underworld to fetch the hellhound. A few moments later he appears with a giant black dog by his side.

You squeal once again, going over to them.

"Oh, your such a cutie aren't you! Come here girl!" You motion her toward you on the bed, which she gladly accepts. You scratch her behind her ears and lay down on your back, with the hellhounds head on your stomach.

Nico smiled as he saw his two girls getting along.


Nico was now getting irritated. For the last 2 hours you have been giving all your attention to that stupid mutt, and nothing to him.

"Babe, can I have a hug?" He would ask.

Every time you would respond with a 'in a minute' or 'Not now Nico' and he would get super mad.

Right now he was throwing gummy bears at your face to get your attention, but as usual, you would ignore him.

With a huff of frustration, Nico slumps in his beanbag thinking of what to do to get your attention from the dog to him.

He tries singing your favorite song, knowing that every time he would do this, you would join in on the singing and you guys would dance around like crazy people around the cabin.

But no, that didn't do anything either. Nico was now on his last nerve. He wished he never brought that stupid dog in the first place or else he would have had you in his arms right now, your full attention on him.

"Y/N!! I swear that dog is getting more love in a day than I had all year!!" Nico complains. You just look up at him with an annoyed face, and continue playing with Mrs. O'Leary.

Nico huffs once again, glaring at his hellhound. He then gets an idea that would truly get your attention. You were petting Mrs. O'Leary when all of a sudden you see Nico shove the poor hellhound to the floor, him taking her place on your lap.

"Nico!! You cruel person why did you do that!!" You say getting up. But Nico was having none of that, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him.

"I'm not cruel! Nico needs attention too you know!" Nico argues.

"Well you're mean, and I'm not talking to you" you say and turn away from him.

"You're so childish" Nico remarks.

"Says the one pushed his own dog off of me because he wanted attention" you retort back.

Nico tightens his arms around your waist and buries his head into the crook of your neck.

"I love you" he mumbled. You ignored him.

"I said, 'I love you'" he says a bit louder. You still ignore him.

He huffs and pulls you around to face him.

"Babe, come on. You know you love me" he says grabbing your face between his hands. You glare at him, still saying nothing

He pecks your lips, twice, before saying, "I'm sorry"

"Don't apologize to me, apologize to Mrs. O'Leary" you angrily say.

"I am not going to apologize to a dog!" Nico shouts.

"Fine. Be that way" you retort, turning back around.

"Fine, I'm sorry Mrs. O'Leary for pushing you off the bed, there you happy?!" Nico finally states.

"Yes. Now get off so I can go comfort the poor thing." You order him. He shakes his head 'no' and pulls you closer to him.

"Nico are you that selfish that you won't let me go to your own dog?!" You exclaim.

"Yeah I'm selfish. So that's why nobody can have you. Your mine, and mine only" Nico states. He cups your chin and gives you quick little pecks, smiling up at you.

"Love you" he says.

"Love you too" you reply smiling.

Hey guys! Just wanted to thank u all for reading this, and I decided to write another chapter for u all! Thanks guys! And a special thanks to handymanny123 for supporting me all the way! And u all should check out her book too its awesome! Well that's all I have to go to bed its 9:54 right now so ya. Bye!


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