I'll see you again (Pt 1)

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Y/N: your name
N/N: Nickname

Dedicated to handymanny123 cuz she amazing!!


"N/N, don't get so worked up. Nico probably has a really good reason to be avoiding you", your brother, Percy, told you.
"And what would that be, huh? That I've been such a horrible friend, he decided he wants nothing to do with me anymore? That he finally realized how much of a loser I am?", you said. You and Percy were arguing over why your best friend, Nico, just all of a sudden stopped talking to you. You tried again and again, but you never got a single word or glance from him.
"Woah, woah, woah, who said you were a loser?", Percy argued,"Y/N, your one of the most amazing people I've met here at camp. Also, to top it off, your my sister. I wouldn't of asked for anyone else"
You smiled, and tackled him in a hug.
"Your the best brother any girl could ask for", you said.

You then were interrupted by a knock at the cabin.

"I got it", Percy said. He opened the door to reveal
the one and only Leo Valdez.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt, but, Chiron wants to see you,Y/N", Leo informed.
"Okay, bye Percy" you called out while heading out the cabin door.
"Bye N/N" he replied.

*Nico's POV*

I've been a jerk that's for sure. The reason I have been avoiding Y/N was because well, as cliché as it sounds, I've fallen for my best friend. So to not ruin my relationship with her, I decided to just flat out ignore her. I realize that now it was a stupid mistake. I need to talk to her and tell her how I feel.

And with that thought, I head over the Poseidon cabin.

(At the big house)


"Why me, of all people!! Can't you send Percy to do it? I have personal issues to attend to at the moment!", you argued. The reason you were called to talk to Chiron was that he wanted you to go and see if there are any new demigods around (state you live in).
"Y/N, I chose you, and only you to do this, understood?" Chiron replied.
"But don't you at least think I might need back up? I might be Percy's sister but that doesn't make me as good of a hero as he is", you say.

Chiron sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose.

"You will do fine. Now go do what I asked or its extra chores for the next 4 weeks" Chiron concluded.

You roll your eyes and groan. "Fine. I'll go" you say as you head over to the door.

~~time skip~~

You were currently fighting off a manticore. There is absolutely no sign of any demigod around here in (town you live in). So now your stuck fighting a monster, without help. You swung your sword at the the manticor's scorpion tail. He dodged and swung a clawed hand at you. You tried to get out of the way, but you didn't dodge in time as the monsters claws slash at your abdomen. You clutch your stomach as you back away, but the monster was having none of that. It came at you again, tail at the ready. You quickly grab your sword and block the first blow. You roll out from under it, dizzy and weak due to the lack of blood loss. The manticore struck his tale at you afan, but before you could react, he stabs you in the chest with his poison barb. Excruciating pain erupts all over your body as the poison enters your blood stream. With the last of amount strength you have left, you take your sword and stab the monster in the chest, turning it to gold dust. You collapse, exhausted. A couple of minutes later, you get up and trudge your way to Camp Half-Blood.

You reach the borders of camp, but before you can get any closer, you collapse.

*There will be a part 2, I hope u like it stay tuned!!*


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