The love for what you hide

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**Dom's POV**

I helped Bonnie piece together all of the footage for her new video, and when she uploaded it, everyone went crazy. I was receiving thousands of tweets and messages, as was she. I had to go to an interview with Matt and Chris that day, so I kissed Bonnie goodbye and headed off.

When I arrived at the studio, the interviewer was ready and waiting. Matt and Chris were running late so I had to start off by myself.

'Hello everyone! We are supposedly here with Muse, however, at the moment, we just have drummer Dominic Howard!' The presenter began. I waved and introduced myself.

'So, Dom, I hear that you have just got married to internet sensation Bonnie James, well, now Bonnie Howard!?'

'Yes I did indeed! Two days ago to be precise.' I responded.

'Aah fantastic. So what is it like being married then? As I understand you were always the bachelor of the group!' He asked.

'It's early days at the moment, but I can honestly say I have loved every last second of it.' I truthfully replied. The crowed aahed and after a further 5 minutes of questions (mainly about Bonnie, which I didn't mind at all.) Matt and Chris showed up, and we did the remaining half an hour as a group, bouncing off of each other as usual. It was refreshing not having gay jokes made anymore, about my trousers or cheese preference, now that I had married such a perfect woman. I had realised that more and more people had been noticing me on the street since we had made our relationship public.

We were going on our honeymoon the next day, we had to hold it off for a few days because of various interviews, but we were headed off on our trip to Malta. I'll spare you the details, but think of your, erm, average honeymoon, and times it by 10. You get the idea.

*Bonnie's POV*

When Dom and I had gotten home from our honeymoon, it was time to start working on a new album. They had already had meetings, and Dom had told me it was to be titled 'Absolution'. I trotted along to the rehearsal, and the three of them played a new song that Matt had written in the past few days.

"Lips are turning blue

a kiss that can't renew

I only dream of you

my beautiful

Tiptoe to your room

a starlight in the gloom

I only dream of you

and you never knew

Sing for absolution

I will be singing

And falling from your grace

 There's nowhere left to hide

in no one to confide

the truth burns deep inside

and will never die

Lips are turning blue

a kiss that can't renew

I only dream of you

my beautiful

Sing for absolution

I will be singing

And falling from your grace

Sing for absolution

I will be singing

And falling from your grace

 Our wrongs remain unrectified

and our souls won't be exhumed."  

 I gave them a roaring applause and Matt and I stepped outside whilst Dom and Chris worked on an idea for part of a song together

'How was your honeymoon?' Matt asked with a snigger - very mature!

'Amazing, how is everything going with Kate?' I asked back, as he looked at his feet.

'It is okay. Something just feels different between us now, since she's been pregnant. I, I think I have feelings for someone else, but, I can't do anything about it.' He mumbled, poor sod, probably had a crush on Kelly I thought.

'Well, if you can't actually act upon it, maybe you should let her know, just to get it off of your chest?' I suggested, after all, it was better she knew rather than him bottling it up. He smiled at me, and before I knew it, he leaned in and kissed me. I leapt back in shock.

'When I said let her know, I meant tell her. I just married your best friend, I love him and I will not do anything to jeopardise that.' I stuttered, losing my balance. A voice came from the doorway,

'Have fun with a two man band, Matthew. You've just lost your drummer.' Dom said bitterly, as he stormed out of the studio, kicking over Matt's guitar on the way out. Chris just looked up in shock, stopping the riff mid note. I ran after Dom. Leaving the building I noticed him to my left. He was sitting on the floor with his head in his hands.

I slouched down next to him, and put my arm around his back.

'Thanks for that.' He whispered putting his right arm around my waist. 'I can't believe I just did that. Muse was the one of the best things that had ever happened to me. If it weren't for Muse, I would never have met you!' He whined, pulling me closer.

'I know but you did meet me!' I used my free hand to turn his face towards mine, and I played with his hair. 'You are a clever, gorgeous, talented man, people know your worth, you'll find another job - not that you even need one, you made a lot of money from Muse you know.' I reassured him. He rubbed the bridge of his nose, and kissed me on the head.

'Thank-you.' He whispered, as he stood up and helped me up. He told me he had to go and sort some things out, so he dropped me off at our house and drove off.

I opened up my phone, and clicked on my New Interactions button that led me to Twitter. Thousands of people were having a go at me, calling me a whore, a slut, all sorts! I found a picture shortly afterwards, a sneaky snapper had got a picture of Matt kissing me, and another of Dom and I sitting together outside the studio. I refreshed my homepage and found a tweet from Matt, making a formal apology and stating my innocence. It was a massive weight off my shoulders.

*Dom's POV*

I couldn't believe he would do something like that, I thought he was my best friend. It suddenly twigged, the reason he wanted us over for dinner so often, the reason he never minded giving us a lift home, even the lyrics to 'Sing for Absolution' made sense. I didn't actually have to sort anything out, I just needed to let off some steam.

I leapt out of the car and ran into the gym, flashed my membership card and went straight over to the boxing area. I didn't go often, and I wasn't very good, but it was a good equivalent to punching Matt. I found the sandbag, and spent the next 20 minutes punching it full out, until my hair was sticking to my forehead. When I felt a bit better, I went and cleaned myself up to head home.

I turned on the radio, and on came Plug in Baby, typical. I turned on BBC instead, and listened to some new pathetic pop song about some whiny girl getting dumped again.

When I pulled up home, I took a deep breath, I wouldn't dare let any of my anger out on Bonnie, not in a billion years. I headed inside to find the table set for two, I hung up my jacket and Bonnie appeared from the living room.

'What is all of this for?' I asked, smiling and holding her waist.

'I'm pregnant, and it is legitimate this time, no hiccups.' She exclaimed, I grinned from ear to ear, and spun her around in the air, kissing her as she reached the ground again, I pulled her into a big hug. I was having a baby.

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