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she thought he would take her to some five star restaurant, but instead they went to a quite diner.

she was irritated, this was not how the plan had to go!

"what do you want to eat?" he asked her, smiling.

she wanted to poke her fingers in his dimples. ugh. piper focus.

"i'll have what you're having." She said, smiling sweetly. just like 'those' girls. he cringed, he actually cringed.

"what?" she asked frowning.

"you're one of those"

"one of what?"

"you can select what you want, you know. you don't have to have what i'm having. what if you absolutely hate what i have?" he said.

and she heard a crack. she felt her facade crack.

"fine then. i'll have a cheese burger with fries" she said. and he smiled. his smile was so wide she thought his face would crack.

"what now?" she asked, unable to hold back her own smile.

"nothing. i find girls who eat cheese burgers and fries extremely sexy" he said, a glint in his eyes.

"you're weird" she said, a full blown grin on her face.

"aren't we all?"he said, smiling a soft smile now, a smile that held admiration of sorts.

a/n hie guys! exams over. triple update!
sorry for the long wait. but don't worry, #luper is soon gonna set sail.
i shall complete this book in not more than two weeks, i hope.

9 more chapters to go.

p.s. this book is gonna be super clichéd, and cheesy. so be warned.

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