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"what are you reading?" he asked her, looking up from his book.

"animal farm. for my literature class" she said, frowning.

"you don't like it?"

"well it's great and all, but not my kind of a book" she said.

"oh yeah? what is your kind then?" he asked her, shutting his book and keeping it on the table.

"um, first, it should be something i've picked out. something interesting, any genre would do, but it should have a little romance and action and comedy. ah basically, reading for class is not my thing" she ranted.

her phone went off and she checked to see it was her brother. she smiled and showed the screen to luke and went outside to answer the call.

"hi sis" he said.

"hey, what's up?"

"wow, someone's in a good mood."


"wait. are you with luke?" he asked, and she could hear the frown in his voice.

"yes" she said.

"i don't know what's with you pipe" he sighed.

"i'm confused cam, i know i had planned to dump him, break his heart, but i don't know anymore." she said.

"luke is a good guy" he said.

"yeah luke is a good guy" she echoed and turned to get back to the library, but the sight of luke at the door, stopped her. his eyes looked pained and he somehow looked defeated.

she felt something within her break. looks like her plan was successful.

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