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Demetria stared at herself in the mirror. She had never looked as good a day in her life as she did now. Her mother had excellent taste in clothes. She had not been allowed to go shopping for the dress as it was a gift to her from her mother. Sometimes she envied her mother's taste in clothes becaause it rivaled hers. How could a mother be that good?

Concentrating on getting herself ready, the girl pulled ou ther make-up case from underneath her bed. She always liked that natural look so that's what she went with applying only mascara and eyeliner. She put her hair up in a ponytail. Others would think that she was going to simole for a party but for Demetria this was quite fancy as she never put her hair up.

Just as she put the finishing touches, her mother walked into the room. "Oh my! Hun, you look so beautiful." Demetria blushed. 

"Well, you're the one who picked out the dress." She kissed her mother's cheek. "Thank you for being the best mom in the world. I love you." 

"Alright, it's time to go and greet your guests. You can't keep them waiting forever." She then returned to the backyard where Demetria's family memebers were  arriving. This was her first party of the week. The one with her family. Then there was the one for just her friends then there were the two other house parties she was obligated to attend - that of course her parents didn't know about. But she was quite responsible. She only drank two cups of beer anda kept her cup close to her heart so as to make sure it didn't get spiked.

Demi checked herself over once more and went to greet her guests after taking a deep breath. She hadn't seen her cousins in such a long time. She hadn't seen everyone in one place at one time and it was quite nerve racking because she knew that there were some members who didn't like each other for this or that reason. 

When she stepped out onto the patio, she got mobbed by about thirty people wishing her a happy birthday while there were fifty other people waiting to do do the same.

Once she escaped the hoard of people, she went and grabbed some food. She haadn't eaten since she had woken up because her brother had taken her out on a shopping spree as her birthday present from him and they were having such a good time together that thry had actually forgotten to eat anything.

Everyone was having a great time. The song Give It Up To Me by Sean Paul was playing and let me just say that her fam was getting down. Demi hadn't seen everyone this turnt up and civil with one another.

Demetria's favorite cousin Stacey wanted to get Demi's number because she had just gotten a phone. Demi gave her the number and told her to send a text immediately while went to go and get her phone which was in her room. Stacey said she would wait and went to talk to other cousins that she also hadn't seen in a long while. 

The birthday girl quickly ran to her room and grabbed her phone which could be found on the dresser next to her bed. She pressed the home button turning on her phone and smiled at the photo. It was a picture of her, Stacey and John - her older brother. The picture was taken four years ago when she was twelve. That was before Stacey moved. Life of a twelve year old is simpler but not more exciting. She couldn't wait to see what life had in store for her. Now sixteen, then eighteen then twenty-one. Just a few of the most important years of ones life and she couldn't wwait to experience them with her family.

Just then there was a huge rumble and everthing in her room including Demi rose off the ground and crashed back down. "Ouch!" What the hell was that? Demi slowly lifted herself up off the floor and went to go and see what happened and if everyone else was okay. What she saw broke her heart.


Seventy bodies.

Well, not all seventy but she figured there were all there but there woould be those that would be unidentifiable as they had all been crushed bythe passenger section of a plane which she could bet had even more bodies inside of it. She slowly made her way through the wreckage seeing if there was anyone in her family who had survived. Five minutes into the search she came to a stop. Right there in front of her was Stacy's head but no body. Demetria wanted to look away but she couldn't no matter hopw hard she tried. She only managed to do so when she felt the need to throw up. 

On her knees, trying to regain her breath, Demi noticed that her vision was out of focus. She started to panic and ended up passing out. 

She woke up later in the hospital only to find out that she was the only one to survive the planes crash.

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