Lunch And A Surprise

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Me and Robert are hanging out at his house, I came early because he couldn't wait. I suddenly get a call, I rush to my phone thinking its Emily, but its actually Haruhi. Hm, I wonder why shes calling, I hope she didn't break up with Celty. I quickly answer the call. "Haruhi?" I asked.

"Hey Sage, me and Celty were gonna surprise you at your house but, your not there. We are in town on vacation and other stuff brought us here too."

"Oh, you could've said you were in town, I wouldn't have left so early." I said that and I feel Robert hug me from behind.

"Who are you talking to?" Robert asks.

"My best friend from Arizona, shes in town." I say covering the bottom of my phone.

"I didn't say I was in town because I wanted to surprise you. Where are you?" Haruhi asks.

"Oh, im at my boyfriends house. We were gonna hang out for the day."

"I want to meet her." Robert says, eavesdropping on my phone call.

"Hold on one second Haruhi. Where do you want to meet them?" I ask facing Robert.

"They can come here if they want. They wont spoil our day, right?" Hes so cute sometimes.

"Ok and ill tell them to behave." Robert nods then goes away to watch tv. "You wanna come here? My boyfriend wants to meet you."

"You mean, Robert?" How does she know?

"How did yo-" She cuts me off.

"Internet and the news. I remember you would ask how Celty is and I would joke and ask how your boyfriend Robert is since we were thirteen. I see your finally living your dream." Wow, she remembered that...

"Damn, you remembered that!?"

"Mhm. And we will be over soon, we are already on his street."

"Wai-" She hung up. I walk over and sit next to Robert. "They are already on their way."

"Okay. What do you wanna do unti-" He got cut off by the doorbell, I walk over to the door and answer it.

"That was fast." I say to Haruhi and Celty.

"Yeah, we figured if you weren't home, you were here so."

"Hello, Im Robert." Robert says, appearing by my side.

"Yes, Im Haruhi, and this is my girlfriend, Celty."

"Nice to meet you. Come in." They walk in and we all sit in front of the tv.  "How long have you known Sage?" Robert asks.

"Since second grade. But we became friends in fifth to now."

"Damn, that's a long time. What about you two? How long have you been dating?"

"Since I was in seventh grade. My parents didn't approve but as soon as I was eighteen, I went to Arizona to meet her. Sage went to college here, and now here we are. Whats the story about you two?" Haruhi explains.

"Well, I got a big part in my new movie, he is the other main character, so that's how we met. Then we told eachother that we liked eachother and we became a couple and now here we are." I explain, Haruhi has a devious look, and I don't like it. "Anyone hungry? Im gonna go order pizza." I said, then walked away calling the pizza place.

~Roberts POV~

As soon as Sage left, Haruhi started telling me stories about Sage. "I was the one who introduced her to you. She was obsessed. She started listening to your music and torturing me with it, we would joke around and I would ask her out of the blue, 'So, hows Robert?' She went into a war with another one of our friends when The Avengers came out. It was Iron Man vs. Captain America and it turned from a friendly war to a screaming at eachother argument, it was funny to watch. She would also draw you..." She finally finished. That's when Sage walked back in.

"What did I miss?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

"Literally, everything!" Celty decides to speak.

"Uh oh, Haruhi?!" Sage asked, giving Haruhi the evil eye, Haruhi just laughs and scrunches up like shes about to get punched.

"So, you used to draw me?" I ask, Sage covers her face in embarrassment, while nodding slightly. Then she suddenly gets up and speed walks over to Haruhi and starts punching her, not too hard though. Hard enough to give Haruhi the message that she is mad though. "Okay, you can stop punching her, I think its cute when you get embarrassed." I said, Sage finally stops and sits back down, still giving Haruhi the evil eye.

"Pizza will be here soon." Sage says, trying to change the subject.

I ask Sages friends some questions, then we decided to watch a movie. I chose Sherlock Holmes because her friends kept saying that Benedict Cumberbatch was the best Sherlock Holmes, of course Sage disagreed. Then told me about how she got hit in the face by a coffee cup because she said I was better. We ate all of the pizza in less than ten minutes, then Haruhi and Celty decided to go to their hotel for the night, Sage stayed with me. "I noticed that you and Haruhi are a lot alike."

"Yeah, a lot of people would ask if we were sisters. Her parents would tell me that im welcome to change my last name to Fujioka, and live with them." Not long after that, we decided to go to sleep since we had work tomorrow.

"Goodnight, Sage." I whispered in her ear while cuddled up next to her.

"Goodnight, Robert." She whispered back, soon we fell asleep.

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