Can You Help?

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After i found out that Haruhi has lung cancer, i start getting help. The first person i called was Robert, he can find Haruhi a good rehab center. Me and Celty are dealing with the people at the hospital. I do all of this plus filming. So i barely have time to sleep. Im just in my bed, staring at the ceiling because i cant sleep. Then i hear my phone go off. I look over and its Robert.

R- Your probably asleep right now, but i got Haruhi into rehab. She starts next week.

I immediately text back, it was really nice of him to help.

S- Im not asleep, i cant sleep. But thank you sooo much for what your doing! I really appreciate it!

R- Haha, your welcome. Goodnight, see you tomorrow.

S- Goodnight.

I put my phone down and actually fall asleep. The only thing i have to deal with now is Haruhis lungs.

A week later....

Today Haruhi goes to rehab. Celty is going to help her through it while i can actually get some filming done.

Me and Celty are dropping Haruhi at the rehab center now. I came along to say goodbye. "You ready for this?" I ask Haruhi.

"Yes, i need to be done with drugs for good." I smile.

"Good. We will keep you posted on what the hospital can do for your lungs." She nods, then i see we arrive. We all get out. "I know i never do this, but..." I then walk over to her and give her a hug. She hesitates for a second, then returns it. "Good luck, see ya later." I say before i break the hug. She gives me a devious smile.

"I cant believe you hugged me. Last time you hugged me was high school graduation!" I just laugh, nod, and walk back to the car.

A couple days later...

Im back to filming with Robert. Celty gives me frequent updates on Haruhi. The first day was terrible, but she is slowly getting used to it. "Hey." Robert says as i enter the set.

"Hey, whats up?"

"Nothing. Hows Haruhi doing?"

"Eh. First day was terrible but i hear she is slowly getting used to it." He nods.

"I expected that."


"All right, everyone on set!" Larry yells. We are actually almost done with the movie. We get to where we need to be and start. "Action!"

"David, i remember..."

"The accident?"

"Yes.." I start to fake cry. David comes over to me and gives me a hug.

"Im sorry."

"Theres something you didnt tell me..." He gives me a confused look.


"You knew me before... David, what were we before?" He starts fake crying now.

"You were my girlfriend...."

"How come i can remember everything, except that?"

"Amnesia is a tricky thing. Your not going to get all of your memories back. It was our luck that you didnt remember us..."

"Im sorry David..."

"I knew about your ex, Chad. But the doctor told me to pretend i didnt know you, do you know how hard that was? And seeing you everyday, not knowing who i am... How many times i wanted to hug and kiss you like i used to..." I then kiss him, he kisses back. That would be the major twist in this movie.

"Cut!" Larry yells. We gather around him. "Perfect! We are so close to done! We are done for the day, have a good day!" Larry dismisses us. Me and Robert walk together, like usual.

"Hey, thanks for your help, i really appreciate it."

"No problem. You should owe me something though.."

"Sure, what ever you want."

"Not right away though. But i want you to come to my house sometime..." I look at him confused.

"I go to your house often, im confused."

"It would be different, trust me. But i also dont want to rush." Then it clicks into my oblivious brain.

"Oh... Well, next time i visit, ill give you what i owe you."

"You sure?" I nod, he smiles. We give eachother a goodbye kiss and head in for the night. Now im a little nervous.

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