Happy Life

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Five years later...

I just put down the last box of shit in our new house. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and look around at the nice modern house. I sigh and plop down on that box for a minute. "MOMMY!!!!!!" I hear my twins scream and run up to me. Two beautiful, four year old girls. I smile and give them a hug.

"Do you like the new house, girls?" I ask them while they each sit on one of my knees.

"Its so spacey mom!" Lilly says.

"I like all the windows!" Said Rose. Yes, we decided to name them after flowers... Dont judge. They both are spitting images of us too. Dark brown hair and sparkling chocolaty golden eyes. Lilly has Roberts nose and Rose has mine.

"I think everyone likes it so far... But we should get unpacking before its their bedtime..." Robert says, coming in with Jackson in his arms. Jackson is our one year old son, turning two soon. I lift the twins off my knees and stand up.

"Well we better get unpacking then! Should we drop the kids off at your parents for the night while we get their rooms set up?" I ask Robert, taking Jackson from him.

"Sure, we should go now if we want to get as much done as possible. Let me let my mom know we are coming quick before we leave..." Robert says, grabbing his phone and walking out of the room. I then zone out for a minute, thinking about my life right now and the future. I look down at my hand and see the diamond ring on my ring finger. In a month i will be Mrs. Downey. Robert comes back into the room and i snap out of my daze. "Ready?" He asks.

"Lilly, Rose? Ready to go to grandma and grandpa Downey?" I ask them.

"Yay! Grandma and grandpas house!" Me and Robert chuckle as they run to the Audi outside. For the family, Robert agreed on getting an Audi Q7.

We arrive at Roberts parents house and Elsie and Robert Sr come to greet us. "Here they are!" Robert Sr says. Me and Robert give his parents a hug and i hand Jackson over to Elsie.

"Thank you for taking them for tonight... We cant start getting the house set up knowing they are unattended..." I say.

"No problem dear, its always nice to see our grandchildren!" Elsie says. Me and Robert smile.

"Well we should get back and start unpacking... Ill call you tomorrow and pick them up in the afternoon if thats okay?" Robert says.

"Take as long as you want... Bye we love you!" Robert Sr says.

"Love you too! Bye! Goodnight Lilly, Rose and Jackson, we will see you tomorrow!" Robert says. Lilly and Rose run and hug his legs, then they do the same to me. We both give them a kiss on the cheek each and go back to our new house.

Its around midnight and me and Robert are still painting Lillys room. She wanted a light purple with yellow flowers as a pattern. I just finished painting a flower when i feel a presence behind me. "How about we shower and then head to bed for the night? This is the last of the painting anyways and we got two walls done..." Robert says softly in my ear while hugging me from behind. I turn around and put my hands around his neck and lean my forehead on his.

"Sounds like a plan, im tired..." I whisper. He smiles, gives me a peck on the lips and helps me clean the brushes. We take a shower together, and no... We didnt have sex we just made out for awhile... Then we lay in bed, Robert spooning me and giving my a kiss on the back of my neck. We both fall asleep peacefully and i know right then for sure, with Haruhi clean from drugs for good and adopted a boy with Celty and they are also married, my three beautiful children, and my idol as my fiancee, that its going to be a happy life for me...

                                         The End!

So thats it for my second story! I hope you all enjoyed it and maybe give me some more feedback on it if you like! I will continue to work on He Brought Us Together and Overpopulation and publish a new story shortly! And a big thank you to you guys who read my stories and vote and comment and follow me, i really appreciate that and if you have a story i will surely check it out!

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