The Last Day Of Filming

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I wake up the next morning still cuddling Robert. My head is on his chest and i love hearing his calming heart beat. But sadly we have our last day of filming today so i have to wake him up. "Robert..." He starts to stir but doesnt wake up. "Robert...." I say a little louder. He very slowly opens his eyes and gives me a smile.

"Good morning." He says in his morning voice... Which is super hot by the way.

"Good morning... We need to get up because its our last day of filming..."

"Ugh... Cant we just stay here and cuddle for the rest of the day?" He asks, closing his eyes again and hugging me tighter. I chuckle at his adorableness.

"Trust me i wish we could... But after today we can do that any other time... So come on lets go..." I say trying to escape his embrace.

"Five more minutes please..." He mumbles, smirking.

"Robert John Downey Jr, if you dont let me go right now i will slap you..." I threaten.

"You wouldnt..." He mumbles. I raise my hand, acting like im going to slap him, he grabs my wrist and rolls over so he is hovering over me. "Fine ill get up, but i need a morning kiss first..." He says, smirking. I roll my eyes and give him a quick peck. "What was that? Thats not a kiss...." He then leans in and kisses me passionately. "Thats a kiss. And im getting up now." He then gets off me and gathers his clothes.

"I should go back home and get ready for today... Ill see you on set." He turns around with everything but his shirt on.

"Wait, you dont want to stay for breakfast? I make pancakes that are to die for..." He says smirking.

"Okay ill stay for breakfast. Only because i dont want you to feel like i regretted last night..."

"I didnt think you did... You made love with Robert Downey Jr! How could you regret that?" I laugh.

"Well i also want to judge how good those pancakes are..."

"Im sure they will be the best pancakes youve ever had!" He then puts on his Bruce Lee tshirt and jogs to his kitchen. I roll my eyes, get dressed, and follow him.

"Here you are, the best pancakes in the world!" He yells, putting the plate in front of me. He sits opposite me and starts eating his pancakes. "So, what do you think?" He asks as we start eating.

"Eh, they are okay. I like Dennys better..." He gasps.

"How dare you..." He says dramatically as i laugh.

"Im kidding, they are great!" He sighs of relief.

"Good, i thought i had to shut down a business for a second..." After breakfast i go back home and get ready for our last day on set. I will say im going to miss this for awhile... But it was a great experience. I arrive to the studio and see everyone there already.

"Sage has made it! Ready for the last day?" Larry asks me.

"Sure am, im also going to miss working with you guys. Except ill see Robert after this."

"Okay, lets get acting then! Here we go, last day!" Larry says, we all get ready and into character before acting. Its the saddest scene in the movie so it will also be hard. Me and Robert get in place on set with Liam and Angelina. "Action!" Larry says for the last time.

"David... We have some bad news..." Liam starts. Robert was smiling but then frowns.

"What is it doc?" Robert asks.

"Your lungs... They have gotten really bad..." Robert looks down at his hands.

"Oh..." He mumbles. He looks back up. "Is it too bad or is there hope for me?" Robert says, almost in (fake) tears.

"Im sorry David... We cant help you any longer..."

"How much time do i have?" Robert asks, now with fake tears streaming down his face. Liam looks at him with a sad face.

"At most... A couple days unless you want the suffering to stop..." Robert starts vigorously shaking his head.

"No, ill take the couple days i have left..." Liam nods as Angelina pretends to adjust something with Roberts I.V. Then they both leave.

"Im sorry David..." I start, with fake tears streaming down my face as well.

"Its okay... I wanted to suffer to the end just to spend as much time as i can with you... Can you promise me one thing?" He asks, i nod. "Be at my funeral, maybe give a speech... Im not making you do the speech if you dont want to though..."

"Ill do it, i promise... And ill be there for and with you until the end, i promise that too..." I interrupt him. He sadly smiles, still with fake tears.

"Do you want to sit over here?" He asks after a moment of silence. I get up from my hospital bed and lay next to him in his. We then cuddle. "I dont want to leave you... I want to hold you forever..."

"Me too, David..."

"Cut! Take a little break then we cut to the funeral scene, which is the last scene..." Larry says. We get up and start talking to everyone. Will isnt here since he wasnt a huge part of the movie and he isnt in any of the final scenes. Angelina comes to me as Liam and Robert talk.

"That was really good, Sage! I cant wait until the premier!" She says excitedly. I smile.

"Thank you... Also i dont think i ever thanked you for the advice on Robert..." She smirks.

"Yeah i see he is very happy, and i see you both are glowing today..." She says wiggling her eyebrows.

"Thats personal, okay!" She starts laughing.

"Everyone back on set for the last time!" Larry says and it me and a couple of other people, standing in front of a fake coffin with a picture of Robert showing. A man acting as a priest starts talking about Robert, just like at any funeral. Everyone who is acting as his family is fake crying, as well as me.

"Anybody want to say a few words?" The priest asks. I walk up.

"David was a wonderful man... When i had amnesia and he was at that hospital with me and i didnt remember him... He was still patient. I fell in love with him again shortly before he past away... I cant imagine how he must have felt... But my point is, is that he is probably the only man that was sweet and caring and knew how to treat a lady that ive ever met..." I finish up the speech, a few other people go and then it forwards to five years later. I walk into the same cemetery and to his grave.

"Hey David... I hope your still yourself up there and i just want to say that i will be joining you soon... I know it not a good thing but i cant wait to see you again, thats how ive learned to accept it... They never found the brain damage from five years ago until now... So this is my last time visiting your physical being and in a week ill see your mental being again... Bye David, ill see you soon..." I say, putting down flowers on the grave and fake crying again.

"Cut! Okay everyone, thats it! I will see you all at the premier!" Larry says. Then me and Robert leave the studio for the last time.


So this is kind of a sad chapter but hey on the brighter side im back! And sadly this story is coming to an end soon... I hope you guys have enjoyed this story and look out for the last updates of this or any other updates for any of my stories. Thanks guys!

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