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Chapter 2 ~ "We Meet Again"

Excuse any mistakes. I just wanted to get this out and didn't feel like going back to edit.



"Thats not funny"

"Yes it is"

"How is that"

"You really think you can walk past any guy and he'll give in"

I was on the phone with one of my closest friends C'Arie. We've been friends since diapers. Our parents are very close so we were born friends.

"Yes" She said.

"Your very crazy"

"I know. And you love me" By the tone of her voice I can tell she was smiling


"So listen, I know you've been working and everything" She stated.


"And your having a hard time finding a man"

"Where is this going"

"Just come with me"

"Come with you where C"

"The club. Lets go party, get your mind off things. And who knows, you might meet Mr. Right"

"C im not going to no club. Thats not my scene. And you know how my parents are about guys meeting my standards"

"And so are mine but that doesn't mean I cant be with anyone I want" She defeated.

I sighed.

"I cant go"

"Why not"

"I- im busy" I lied.

"Yeah right. Just put something on and come pick me up please. Thank you"


"Thank you. Bye"

I heard the phone click.

"Guess I got to go then" I shrugged.

I went in the bathrooom and turned the shower on.

I stripped out of my clothes and got in.


After getting ready I left the house and drove to C'Arie's house.

I pulled in front of her house and hunked the horn a few times but there was no sign of her.

I waited about 5 minutes before pulling out my phone to text her then the car door opened.

"Oh my gosh you scared me" I said holding my hand over my chest.

"Im sorry. What's up"

"Nothing. Just waiting for this night to be over" I stated.

"What do you mean? It hasn't even started" She said buckling her seatbelt.


"Dont be a party pooper"

"Im not, im just tired" I complained.

"Ok just drive"

I did as told.

"How did the meeting go" She asked referring to the meeting I had with the men.

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