Hinata the servant 2

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After sitting on the chair, lunch was served for the king.

"Hinata," the king called, he waved his hands calling the orange haired boy over.

"Y-yes" Hinata stood beside him a bit scared after his last request " I hope he's not going to ask for something embarrassing." Hinata thought. "Um... i-is it the food, i-if so then-"

"Hinata will you do me a favor?" The king asked, the other servants puffed out there ear to listen to the favor. "Feed me." The king blushed, the other servants froze and watched the orange haired boys reaction. "What?" Hinata tilted his head.

"Are you deaf dumbass! Fe-ed me!" The king shouted with no embarrassment , Hinata stood there blushing and looked at the other servants. "Tsukki, I didn't hear him wrong right?" Yamaguchi asked blushing.

"What a perverted king!" Tsukishima commented, his glasses were fogged up . The king gave a glare to the servant,

"Um... king kageyama is this what you want?" Hinata held the spoon infront of Kageyama blushing, The orange haired boy blew on the spoon cooling the food down "open up." Ordered the servant embarrassed,

"Ahh!" The perverted king opened his mouth allowing the spoon to go inside.

"H-how does it taste?" Hinata blushed, the other servants couldn't believe what they were seeing.

"This perverted king has no shame." Tsukishima walked out of the dinning hall.

"Tsukki, wait up." Yamaguchi ran after tsukki.

"Bwa ha ha ha! This is funny to watch, poor Hinata! Ha ha ha!" Tanaka's laugh had filled the room, it went silent.

"Tanaka. Be quiet shh!" Whispered Sugawara. The king glared at Tanaka. Suddenly the laughter stopped and the room was dead silent. "Scary!" Ran through all the servants head.

"That's enough, I don't want any food." Kageyama stood up removed the cloth from his lap and was about to walk through the door until.....

"Where's my little king!" Shouted a voice, Kageyama stood in fear and disgust. "There he is!"

"Ah! Its the GREAT KING!" Pointed Hinata.

Far, far lived a king who was from Aobajosai, and his name was Oikawa Toru.

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