I am haunted

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Song for this chapter

* Solitude by Evanescence

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*this song is about living in the past.also about keeping stuff in.
Solitude is the only way to heal.

She roamed her eyes on the room she was right now.

The bed itself was made of a wooden design with a white mattress as the bed cover.

There's nothing else to look at except the very old mirror with a printed carve on it sides that hang in front of the bed.
Tara think it's some kind of a symbol and she have no idea what's that mean.

What catch her attention also was the closet beside her.
As if it has been used by someone maybe a girl like her because the door of the cabinet itself has many different doll stickers glued on it.

But the doll pictures was creepy because they look like an emogothic doll.
Some we're smiling,crying,surprised and grinning as if they're looking at her...bullying her!

She quickly felt the freezing air slowly dump on her skin that made her hair skin stands in ovation.
It was an eerie feeling though.

She frowned and raised her eyebrows and said: " you fucking bitches doll", then she set a creepy grin on her lips.

As far as she remembered when her aunt visit their mother she always come alone.
She never heard also that she got a daughter.

So whose room is this? And why the creepy doll thing?!!she said it in her mind.

" theres nothing in here",she mumbled before she stand up and drag herself inside the bathroom.

She made a quick shower and after that she found her suitcase right beneath the closet.
She opened it and search a dress she used to wear everyday.
She found a white lace duster that suited for her and wear it.
She then remember her twin Ara because it was there favorite dress when she waa alive.

She took a deep breath after rembering the past and decided to went downstairs after fixing herself to meet her only aunt.

Her aunt's name was Leah ,she is her mom's little sister.
She had a son named James and same as her age.

He's so adorable and kind but sometimes quiet like there was a scotch tape on his mouth.

"Nerd"!and I burst into laughter until someone at my back called me.

" mom is waiting for you to the sala",he shocked me with his instant appearance at my back and retreated without even waiting my answer.

" he's really a nerdy",
another laughter and I walked myself to the sala.

Aunt Leah pov

I'm waiting Tara to come down to ask something about what happened to her at the cemetery.

I wanted to dig up some details also about my sister's death,my brother-in-law and her twin Ara.

She's coming.

" come over here Tara don't be shy ",I called her while she's making her way downstairs.

She looked good now and I think she's in herself to answer all my questions to her.

She sat down in front of me and listen to me closely.

" are you okay now?,I asked her feeling concerned.

" yes I'm fine..she just answered me shortly while her eyes was full of sadness and despair.

" I know it's hard for you to accept that theyre all gone but you have to be strong..",I offers her a great mother advice for her sake.

" I know Auntie?,she mumbled and she just looked at me with a shocked face as if she saw something at my back.

I turn around but it was an empty space only.

" do you see something?, I said to her.

" ahm nothing... maybe I'm just tired I have to go...,she talked back and leave me immedietly to go upstairs.

She' s hiding something and I wanted to know about it.


I'm about to stand up from my chair when I heard a cracking sound on the kitchen.

I puzzled and wanted to check where that noise came from.
But I'm sure it came from the kitchen as if someone was looking on something.

You can hear the utensils bumping each other and the footsteps as if there's really someone in there.

I stand up and to my surprise the heavy rain started to fall on the ground.

Its raining again and it made me feel uncomfortable because I hate it when it rains.

Its a long story but I have a phobia when it's raining.
It was very dark outside as if the clouds was been covered by a black cloth.

Its only 4:00 in the afternoon but it looks like a nighttime already.

I'm about to go on the kitchen to check the strange sound but when I turned around I heard that the door was suddenly opened on it's own.

My body started to feel the coldness of the wind coming from the outside.

"How come...I twist the knob before we enter the house earlier?", I said to myself feeling confused.

As if someone opened it intentionally.

I almost forgot the cracking sound from the kitchen.

Maybe my son James started to feel hungry and looking for a food.

As I started to closed the door I was rattled in shocked when I felt a cold hands from my back.
It slowly moves into my waist as if she was hugging me and I just stand there frozen and frightened.
I felt like my body was in a coma that I cannot move.

I slowly rolled my eyes to the left to check the person behind me.

My heart was beating abnormally.

I was relieved when I realized Tara was the one hugging me.

She scared me to death.

" I'm scared Auntie... please don't leave me?,she's here....., Tara said while her hands was enveloping my back.

I face her and hold her cold skinny face.
" it's okay you're not alone Tara ",as I began to comfort her.

But at that moment I can feel that her body was cold as an ice as if she was dead already.

Buy I set aside my creepy thoughts and help her go upstairs and leave her until she fall asleep.

Inside the story...

* but while her Auntie was hugging her Tara's eyes turned all black and shallow and she made a creepy grin that made me shiver in fear.



Hope you like it guys...
See you on the next chapter..
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