Forever with you!

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demonlady25: good aftie guys,another update again!

I hope you will enjoy every single part of this chapter.

Third person pov

two weeks later

Tara's Aunt Leah decided to send her to school to give her a normal life.She's already 16 and turning 17 in one week meaning she should be on the second part of college but as what I told you on the second chapter,they never set foot to school because their parents just teaching them at home.They were ashamed of their twins abnormalities.

" Tara honey time to get up now,we'll going to James school.I will let you attend the exam.",exclaimed her auntie downstairs while cooking food for breakfast.

From upstairs you can see that Tara was already awake and now sitting in front of her mirror while combing her hair.

She is smiling as if there is something that made her laugh.She's turning her head on the left side as if there was someone beside her.

"you want to come with me?',Tara is talking on herself while looking again at the mirror but her eyes was looking at the edge corner of the mirror.

She then set a very unusual smile on her face.She stand up and drag herself inside the bathroom to take a shower.She close her eyes while enjoying the running cold water on her body but she whine a little when the bath soap slowly toppled on the floor.She felt the pain from her waist when she slowly kneel down to get it because she got a scar at the back too that was not yet fully healed.

Yap, Tara got the scar that night they where abandoned by their parents.That rainy night where her twin sister ended her own life.The winds came on blowing their house that time and every debris of woods came hitting their house and she was badly hit by one of the tree trunk on the back,it was a deep wound but she only keep it to herself hidden until now.Her Aunt Leah had no idea about it.

She dried her hair with a mini towel while her body was covered by a towel that her Auntie give to her.She open her dresser and find a simple dress .She pick a black t -shirt and paired it with a blue plain jeans.

She was not scared of those creepy dolls anymore inside the cabinet instead she placed them in the front of the mirror.She told her Aunt to make a table-drawer in the mirror wherein she can display them.

She asked her Aunt about the stickers and the dolls and she just looked at her in a sad expression.She told her not to asked her again about it and Tara let it slide.Anyways she should be thankful to her Aunt Leah because she took her and treated her as her daughter.

Tara check herself on the mirror and smiled.

" I,m pretty now!, like YOU!she put a spooky grin into her invisible friend.She's talking to someone again.

"I'm not scared to you anymore!", she said while closing the door behind her.

She went downstairs and she can smell the delicious aroma of the soup her Aunt served on the table.James was also on his chair and now eating his breakfast.He was now in his school uniform.

"Oh Tara my dear what took you so long?,was the first approach of her Auntie to her.She moved the chair and slid her body to properly sit on it and decided to serve her own plate.

" I just put my things in order before i leave the room",she answered while putting a spoon of soup into her mouth.

James just looked at her with an annoyed face and continue digging his own food.

They never get along well with each other because he was always avoiding Tara. Every time they bumped inside the house he never look at her in the eyes as if he was scared of her,he's always ignoring her presence since the day Tara set foot on their house.

" are you ready honey?, her aunt Leah slowly broke the eerie silence.

Tara just looked at her coldly and nod her head as approval.

James slowly cleared his throat and said" mom I'll go ahead I need to stop by on the library,we have a group project regarding paranormal stories while preparing himself.

"OK honey take care okay",his mother replied to him warmly.

" OK, he said and leave them on the table without even looking to her cousin Tara.

After their breakfast they leave the house.While retreating the house her aunt Leah suddenly turned her back and her eyes widen when she saw a girl near the brink of Tara's window waving her hands to them.

She got goosebumps all over her body and she felt a dump of the cold winds in her skin.

She felt a strange feeling.The spookiness leveled up when she realize that she was Ara,Tara's twin sister who was dead three weeks ago.

When she turned her head to face Tara she saw her smiling while her eyes was looking on her window.

She blinked twice and saw nothing on the window.

"ahhh maybe I'm just tired",she murmured and forget about it.


Me: thoughts please

tell me if it scared you or not

I need an opinion please

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