James Death

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After the long wait guys,
Enjoy reading....

Trishia pov

I came rushing into the campus when I realized I'm late.
I saw James coming to me but I ignored him because as I said I got up pass eight in the morning that made me late in my class.

" hey! Hey!",he called me trying to run after me.

" I'm late! Can we talk later?",I told him as I started running into our room.

When I came everyone seemed happy and our teacher was not here.
I came closer to asked Marie one of the brainy here in our class.

" hey where's your buddy tara?",i askes her while making my way to sit next to her.
She seemed hypnotized because her eyes was looking somewhere I couldn't tell and it didn't even blinked.

I stand up and I saw Fannie who was busy chatting with Dan, his long time
Love interest.
I interrupted their sweet moments for awhile.

" fan what's going on? Why was everybody looked excited?",I asked her.

She turned to face me and made a wide smile on her face.

" guess what? We would having a school trip tomorrow at west haunted house",she said the news happily.

" what? To that house? I had read it to some newspaper but I couldn't believe that house was really true!",I told her feeling surprised.

" let's find out what exactly was there",she added and went to chat Dan again.

Tara pov

I saw them with their face covered with smile.
But those smile would fade away soon.
I took a quick shower and find a nice dress for our campus trip.
I prepared everything and of course I won't forgot to brought my doll.
My favorite doll and of course the one I stole from my twin Ara.
Sad to say she's not here to go with me and to enjoyed the school trip.

I told you before that we hadn't went to school when we we're young.
Until we grew up like a lady together.
We never experienced anything about school activities that's why I'm very excited to went to school everyday.

I packed my bags and dragged it out from my room until I saw my cousin James in front of his room and about to left also.

" hi you looked excited!",he asked me while looking at me sarcastically.

I stared him and rolled up my eyes.

" yes I'm excited to kill you!",I told him and went back to my room again.

James pov

I was puzzled what Tara had told me earlier.
My body frozed and trembled at the same time.
I knew from the very start that she was a devil.
I have to set a plan to left her coming from our school trip.
This wasn't good idea for me to let her joined the trip.
What if something bad would happen?

I felt goose bumps all over my body when I felt the cold wind touched my skin.
Until I realized that I was standing outside Tara's room.
I peep inside and she wasn't there already.
My mouth hanged open.

My fears doubled when I saw another girl sitting on her bed.

I came closer and as I get nearer her head spinned counterclockwise and jumped in front of me.

Shit Dara came her twin sister.

She choked me until I gasped for air.
I kept raising my hands in the mid air to fight but I couldn't touched her.
She's only a ghost.

" I will kill you !",she said while choking me.
Her grip into my neck tightened as I kept struggling.

I'm hopeless and weak.
I felt numb as if my body gave up.
I breath heavily and my heart burned.
My eyes widen and my mouth was left opened.
I started to saw black dots from my eyes.
I saw children playing in the forest.

Am I dead now?

Where am I?

I closed my eyes to make sure this was only a dream.
But when I opened my eyes I saw myself in a garden full of fruits and trees.

I saw a little girl came towards me and she whispered something in my ears.

" welcome to heaven ",she whispered.

" you're dead now ",she added and chuckled then left me alone again.

I am not dead.

" aaahhhhhhhhh!!!",I shouted but nobody heard me.

Time of death: 9 am in the morning

Cause of death: nightmare


.thoughts please...

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